Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

       We arrived late at school, but Drake said it shouldn’t matter I mean we had a good cause right, im the “new girl.”

       He parked the car near the end of the parking lot. Several other student were scurrying in as well. We got several stares. “so what do you consider yourself?” I asked. “Well, what do you mean?” He replied. “You know are you one of those geeky nerds, or a strong jock?” I giggled. “Haha, funny one… I guess im a ladies man.” He joked. I laughed, as I pushed him on the arm.

       He opened the door for me and cool air hit me in the face, as we walked into the front office. There was a circular desk centered in the room. A short chubby elderly lady greeted Drake And I. “Sorry, Miss Brewer, The newbie got a little lost.” He smiled at me, and I just rolled my eyes followed by a grin.

       “That’s fine sweetie, you outta get to class.” She replied. Drake then placed a one of the coffees on her desk and gave her a peck on the check. And then he was gone.

       I of course had several papers to fill out, schedules to get, and handbooks to read. Finally I was able to go to class, which wasn’t until what was now almost the end of 3rd block. I had College Prep English yay, not. Much sarcasm sensed. I finally found room 131, Nervously I knocked on the door.

       A slim, Young looking woman, with sandy blonde hair made her way to the door to greet me. “Why hello, you must be Allyson! I’m Miss Johnson.” She placed her hand out, which a shook. “Class, I’d like to introduce, Allyson! She will joining our 3rd make her welcome.” I could already feel the redness and heat exploding off my face.

Where to sit? I studied the room to find an empty desk near the back. I Sat down my things & Rummaged through my bag to make it look like I was actually doing something. A felt a poke on my shoulder & looked up to see a Girl, Dark bown hair, long. A huge smile on her face. She seemed nice. “Hi, I’m Danni.” She stated. “Your Allyson, right?” She asked. “Yeah, hah.” I giggled. “So how long ago did you move to Greenwood?” “Um, about a month and a half ago, sadly.” I replied. “Yeah I can understand why you think that’s sad, not special about the place at all. A lot of fucked up people obviously.” She said with a laugh as she motioned her hands pointing out the class, which I guess is “fucked up” Haha.

We had small talk, And even exchanged numbers And addresses before the bell rang. “Your totally chill. Find me at lunch?” She asked. “Yeah, sure. See you there!” I exclaimed. I went to use the restroom, before I met Danni at lunch. Redid my make up and that junk. I turned the corner to find Drake at the sinks, right where I was headed.

“Following me or something?” He said a with a smile. “Psh you wish.” I laughed. We walked to lunch together, on the way he gave me some tips about the food which I didn’t really listen to, because its not like im actually gonna eat there anyways. We walked in the cafeteria, and I searched tables until I found Danni. Drake was still with me searching for his friends also. “Um, well I guess I’ll see you around.” I said as I waved and walked away.

“Oh my god, Allyson.” Danni said with shock. “You know Drake Johnson?” She asked. “Uh yeah I guess you could say that.” I replied confused. “Total hottie, but super hard to get, he hasn’t been with anyone since Maddi died.” “Maddi?” I asked. She looked at me with sort of a guilty look on her face, as did the two other girls as my table that I hadn’t known yet.

“Allyson, Drake and Maddi dated. For like 4 years. She died… In a car wreck about a year and a half ago, he hasn’t been the same. I mean his grades, him in general.” She exclaimed. “I.. I didn’t know.” I replied. “Im, sorry.” I said as tears flooded my eyes, I grabbed my things and scurried for the door... 

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