Chapter 9

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One year later…

“Allyson, get up c’mon.” My mother said sternly, as she shook me. I pretended as if I couldn’t here, nd was still half asleep. You see, I didn’t want to hear her… Not because she was my mother, not even because she was annoying the hell out of me. But, because I didn’t want to hear anyone…   

“Alright, god I’m up.” I snapped. The light blurred my sight. “I want you down stairs in 5 minutes, you don’t have to go to school today, as if you were going to anyways. We need to talk.” She demanded as I heard her footsteps fade as she walked down the stairs.

I sat up looking around my room which was completely destroyed. I couldn’t even think of the last time it had been cleaned. Making my way to the bathroom in search of something to drink, A small cup used to rinse my mouth sat on the counter, I turned the water on letting it run as I went pee. Then after, I gulped down the water.

I took my time as I paced myself down the stairs into the kitchen. I stopped myself before entering, while noticing a man sitting at our bar, his back towards me. I continued towards the coffee pot and couldn’t help but speak my mind. “Let me guess another one of moms hoes?” I let out a giggle as I turned to see the shocked face of the strange man… My mouth dropped and shock overwhelmed my body, I dropped my coffee, and finally came to spit the words out of my mouth… “Dad?”

“Uh, Hi sweetie.” He said a little shocked himself. “What. What even?” I stuttered. “I know this comes off as a little shock, but I wanted to be here for you. I know I haven’t been around much lately and I feel so wrong for it.” He exclaimed. “Wells it’s a little to late for sympathy, don’t you think?” I said with a tone. My mother came running, im guessing she heard my coffee spill, which I wasn’t about to clean up either. I stood staring out the window of the kitchen, a million things were running through my mind.

“Uh honey do you mind?” My mother asked. I turned to see her and my father sitting at the bad motioning me to the other side, to sit. I slouched down, resting my head on my arm preparing myself for the bullshit speech they were about to give me.

“The past year has been rough I know… With Drake’s death and all but im here for you now.” My dad started. “No actually you don’t know, you don’t even know the half of it. You said it yourself you haven’t been around much. Which is wrong, you abandoned me, and mom. And we didn’t even get a sorry… So before you go bull shtting make sure you really truly know what it is you’re talking about.” I yelled, as tears poured from my eyes. I had an overwhelming urge to reach across the table and pound his face in. How could he talk about Drake like he knew who he was., or like he had even heard of him before now.

“Allyson!!” My mother screamed. “Enough…Please.” She she’s really nice and always says please, but she’s got that tone. Im sure we all know the tone. “Allyson, your father and I have to tell you something…” She looked worried, I could see it in her eyes. My father looked at her as if he was waiting for her okay. “We are sending you to a boarding school in Paris with your aunt for a while…” Mumbled my dad. “What, no you can’t do that, my whole life is here. Who are you to just step in and ruin things whenever you feel like it. As if I’m not screwed up enough.” I Groaned.

I marched up the stairs and locked myself in my room. My hands now shaking, from anger, disappointment and much more. In search of the last cigarette I had hid for times like these, Danni had given it to me. She has an older brother who gets them for her. I wrapped myself in a fleece throw to prepare myself for the cool morning dew, I also grabbed a pen and some paper. I opened my window and climbed onto the roof. I put the cigarette in between my teeth and inhaling as I light. I got chocked up a little it had been a while since I had had one.

       I sat there in silence for a minute thinking. Mostly about Drake. It had almost been a year, and I still remember it as if it were yesterday.


“Shit.” I mumbled under my breath as I slammed my phone on the ground and grabbed my coat heading for the door. I got in my car as fast as I could, driving even faster. Drake and I never really fought, and I know that with the death of his dad its not good for him, im all he has left…

I pulled in drake’s drive way running for the door… It was open. “Drake?” I called. But no answer. I hurried to his room to find him on the floor. “Drake!!” I screamed, as I shook and shook him. I looked around in search of his phone but ended up finding an empty pill bottle. I ran to the kitchen to find his phone on the counter. “911 what is your emergency?” “Please hurry my boyfriend he is unconscious and I think he took a whole bunch of pills, he is foaming from the mouth. 457 clear water drive. Come fast.”

“Miss?” I awoke in a chair with a stiff back and neck. I was sitting right next to Drake, Hi hand in mine. I looked to find a Doctor waiting for my response. “Oh, sorry.” I said. “You’re fine, we thought you might want an explanation, huh?” “Please.” I asked. “Your Boyfriend took several different kinds of prescription drugs. We’ve pumped his stomach but were not able to get all of it out…” She hesitated. “Go on…” I said waiting very impatiently. “We are afraid he wont make it, there is no longer anything else we can do for him. All we can do now is just wait on the remaining drugs to dissolve. I’m so sorry, we tried everything that we could…”

I was in shock. I never said a thing to her. I surprisingly just smiled. I knew drake wouldn’t want me to cause any more harm then what I already had. This was all my fault. I wiped a tear from my eyes as I scouted Drake over a little bit to make room for myself in his bed. I climbed in as I took a hold of his hand. I sat there talking to him four hours and hours. And finally *Beep* *beep* I looked over at the machine which kept up with his breathing. I looked down on him, and I knew there was nothing else I could do. I smiled as a waterfall of tears escaped from me. I sat there holding his hand for just a while longer. I finally gathered my things, and was ready for my last goodbye. I sat next to him on the bed and leaned In to kiss his forehead, and I whispered “Ha you ass,I hate you for leaving me here with these idiots, but its your time. I just want you to know the amount of pain that you’ve caused me… I’d rather be alone then be with someone who isn’t you, and tonight I realized you weren’t the one who wrecked me, or ruined me, or even destroyed me… It was me because only I have the power to do that to myself. I destroyed myself by loving you..”

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