liquid • 4

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liquid (n.): a substance that flows freely but is of constant volume, having a consistency like that of water or oil.

liquid (adj.): having a consistency like that of water or oil, i.e., flowing freely but of constant volume.

She was quick, sly, and cunning. She was fast and nimble, dancing and slashing through enemies like they weren't even there. Her body moved in ways he couldn't possibly imagine on his own, bending to the will of her mind, ever so flexible. It stretched and curved and straightened like water, flowing like a river.

He tried to catch her but she always slipped through his fingers, as though she were liquid taken human form. She was impossible to catch and yet she always kept him on his toes, waiting.

Link was smitten.

published: march 23, 2019

edited: august 24, 2020

wwww, it's not some ungodly hour of the night anymore!! it's almost 6pm now, so i figured i'd edit some more chapters. this was was super short though, smh.

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