24.| Thankful That I Met You

682 45 44

Second Person POV

You came back to China and worked at a famous hospital, thanks to your baba. You worked there for a good 5 months now, lived in Shanghai in a different penthouse. You always wanted to go back to the one Zhengting and you shared. But due to the fact, you were scared or the thought that he sold it breaks your heart.

You heard rumours about him getting married, or spotted him on a date with some model, celebrity, just... all of it.

But none of them were confirmed. 

"Dr. Chung! Another patient was admitted into the ER!"

You placed down everything, grabbed your coat and ran to the ER. Every day was like this. Running back and fouth through this hospital. But it is the job and career you wanted.

You have to admit. Some days, you wished that you were still in that office you shared with Zhengting. But every time you do, you realize that destiny had other plans for you.

"Ah..." You sighed once you finally sat down in your office chair. The patient is fine. But you hoped they will get through.

"Dr. Chung, there's someone here who would like to talk to you." You nodded and told them to come in.

"Yangmi. How are you?"

You opened your eyes from a familiar voice. 


He smiled at you. "Nice to you again after so long."

You stood up with still a confused look on your face. "What are you doing here?"

"Well... I never forgave myself for the way we left things. I feel like I owe you an apology."

You smiled. "I'll be honest. I haven't thought about that day for a long time."

"Well, that makes me even more guilty. Look, after I started working at my fathers', I started to realize what I have done was to you was wrong. I mean, I only dated you just so I could steal your company. But I admit. I think I have you liked you... somewhere along the line I truly liked you... but not as much as my cousin did." He finishes. 

You raised one of your brows. "Who? Zhengting?"

"Yeah. Haven't you realized? Every time we would go out. He would follow us. He's always been protecting you." 

You scoffed at yourself. "Tch. I feel so dumb now. I honestly thought that he was just being annoying..."

"Hm... Honestly. I think if I wasn't in the picture. You and my cousin might be happy together right now." He says sadly. 

You didn't react much. You smiled before saying, "No is to blame here. So don't feel bad. That was almost 5 years ago."

Then. There was silence that took over.

"Aghm. Um. I need to head back to work now. I wish you the best in the future Yangmi." He then turned back and left out of your office. 

Now near the end of the day. There was a major accident, including 5 cars. People were being sent to your hospital, one after another, after another. At this point, you didn't know who was a patient and who was a nurse. Your mind was chaotic. It was running all over the place, for god sakes, you didn't even have time to sneeze. 

But finally... finally. When you had your break time. Another patient showed up. Or so you thought.

You were fast pacing towards your office while looking down at your iPad, checking all the records of the patients when suddenly someone stopped you.

"...D-Dr. Chung?" Someone called you from behind.

You stopped in your tracks. "Yes?" You turned around, looking up from your iPad to see...

"Zhengting...!" He looked tired. His black blazer was missing, while his hair is messy with a little bit of dried blood at the corner of his forehead.

 Your heart sunk at the thought of what happened to him. 

"Zhengting! Are you okay?! What happened?!" You ran at him, grabbing his arms and checking if he was okay.

Zhengting's heart began to pound. He placed his hand on top of yours calming you down.

"Zhengting-ah! Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" You still asked from concern.

He then pointed at his left chest.  "It hurts here..." 

Your heart beat'd faster. 

Zhengting then smiled brightly and whispered to you, "I've missed you." 

You understood what he was trying to say. Tears started to fall slowly as you said to him, "Let me help you with that pain."

You closed your eyes, tilted your head slightly and kissed him on the lips. 

Your heart was bursting with happiness and excitement! Zhengting's eyes widen before closing them too.

When you pulled away. Zhengting cupped your cheeks.  "It was worth the wait."

"It was, wasn't it?"

Zhengting pecked your lips again. 

"My BMW girl is finally back and mine. Mine forever." He teases. You smiled back at him and said, "I'm so thankful that I crashed into your Lamborghini."







Hello Jennings!!


To be very honest, I feel like this book hasn't met my expectations

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To be very honest, I feel like this book hasn't met my expectations. But I am still proud of it. 

Thank you for reading and voting!! If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't have the motivation to do this!




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