Chapter 32

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I stared at the lights around New York as we arrived Edwards pin-house. I was a little upset because Rose had to stay in town because of the baby and Alice and Jasper was in Texas. I stared at my sonogram as I felt Edwards arms wrapped around my waist.

So tonight? He mumbled rubbing my belly. I was twelve weeks pregnant and excited to tell the family about the new addition.

Yea, but aren't you scared? I asks.

Yea, but it doesn't matter if they approve or not I'll love our baby" He said hugging me.

 we arrived at a park and I felt Edward freeze beside me. I looked up at him and saw a scowl on his face. i look in his direction and saw he was staring at two young ladies. The first one looked in her mid thirties or late forties. she had dark brown hair, hazel eyes and skin pale and was about 5"5 the next girl who was the same height looked my age. She had waist length blondish brown hair,blue eyes, heart shape face and had pale skin.

Edward? I asks

he shook his head then looked down st me with pain in his eyes. his jaw was locked and eyes black. he looked down at my leg where Anothney was and sigh. he squeezed my hand then strolled over to them. They looked over at him and then smiled.

"Edward, dear how are you? the brown hair women asks.

Carmen" he said then swollowed and then looked at the other girl, "Carlie"

Hey Edward how you been"she asks

Fine, what are you doing here? he asks

Carlisle invited me" she said, "I had a check up last week and he asked me"she said.

he nod then pulled us to the playground. Anthoney eyes sparkled as he saw the slide so we told him to have fun. We sat in silent but i was just so confused.

That was Tanya's mother" he said, "when my mother found out she was pregnant with Irina she hired Carmen as her midwife. she was there the entire time my mom was pregnant so she spend plenty of time as well with my dad. when my mom was about six months along few months after Kate turned six and i turned three my dad starting to stay late at work which was the time mom was moody, hungry or just plain pissed off. dad use to come home late smelling like perfume or his clothes was messed up. i think my mom knew what was going on but she didn't want to say anything because she was only twenty-three and she never worked a day in her life. Irian was born in May and I thought everything was going well until four months after my fifteenth birthday I walked into my dad office while Carmen was there. she was holding a baby; It was girl. Carmen was talking about telling my mom and Carlie needs a dad. I was confused and later asked my dad which he said its our little secret. It was two years later when Carmen visit us with a little girl around two. she stayed in my room talking to Irian who was two as well; they got close. I heard yelling down stairs and heard arguing. Carmen was leaving taking Carlie with her. It was then I know she was my sister but ever since then my mom hides it even though anyone with eyes can see the resembles Carlisle and Carlie have."

Is that why Esme was crying at Thanksgivimg? I asks which he nods. an hour later everyone arrived but it was Esme who yelled.

"Why the hell are you here? She asks.

Carlisle invited me"she said then looked at Carlisle, " you look good"

Thank you"He said holding Esme back, can we talk?

they walked away down to the park as I saw Esme bust out crying. I ran over to her holding her in my arms.

"forty-three years I put in our marriage"She said, I met Carlisle when i was sixteen at the hospital where he was a med-student. We started talking and then the next year the beginning of my senior year he took me to a college party which my parents didn't like that because I was just turned seventeen and Carlisle was twenty. it was on of those college drunk party where i was the girl who got the straight As, never went to a party nor drink beer. we dance and i started drinking. It felt weird but i felt different which i liked. later that night we arrived at his dorm where i had my first time. Oh Bella when i tell you the next morning I felt awful and i couldn't't remember shit. that morning I went home while Carlisle was asleep. I stop talking and seeing him and the next few days I felt sick. it was then on Christmas break I kept throwing up. It was horrible. My dad was always on business trips so it was my mom who took me to the hospital. there the doctor told me I was four and half months pregnant . I was fucking seventeen with my mom as we heard i was pregnant. My dad was so upset he kicked me out calling me a slut. I called Carlisle and told him the whole story. I lived with him at his dorm and we actually were happy. He dropped me off at school then picked me up. we were like a couple. all my teacher knew of my situation and helped me out. I went to school twice a week then did online classes. Prom arrived but i never showed up. when it was time for me to head out my water broke and it was funny I had my daughter the day of prom" Esme laughed, I graduated with honors the next month then went to Dub University for my degree to be a pediatrician . We moved into a condo his mother helped us buy because she adored me. school was going well and i had a 3.4 GPA. I  was in my second year and I was on track. While i was in school i had a part time job at a dinner and Carlisle just finished his Residency training  and his examination exams. he received his certificate of registration for independent practice that summer and started traing at the hospital once school kicked in. We made love on Thanksgiving which was the day i knew i was in love. Eight months later in June I gave birth to Edward a month early. It was Christmas at Carlisle parents house where he asked me to marry him. I kmow I was only twenty but I was inlove. we got marry the fourth of July six months after my twenty-first birthday where Edward just turned one the month before and was the ring holder and Kate was three and she was the flower girl. it was a small wedding in the hospital's garden. his dad was head chef of the hospital who walked me down the altar. During our honeymoon i decided i wasn't going to finish school. i mean i was twenty-one and he was only twenty four. we couldn't both go to school and raise a three year old and a one year old on a good budget; besides Carlisle Just started working as a surgeon and his dad loved him at the hospital so i couldn't tell him to quit. He kept telling me all i had left was med school but that was going to be hard so I never went. I got a part time job at a daycare and then another a part time job at a hospital. I stayed at home and watched the kids until after Edward turned two where my mother-in-law Carter talked to me about watching the kids while I finish my Med-training but i was scared but she told me to do it. I finish my med-training and after graduation Carter hired me at the children hospital to train with her as an intern for the summer. I loved working but it got worse the night in  September where the kids were gone and it was the only day i didn't have to training so we celebrated my success. The next few months work was going great but winter break where i found out I was pregnant, It was not good because that same month my mother called me for a visit. note I haven't seen her in like five years so this was a shocker. It was Christmas when she arrived without my dad. she started drama saying I would never get nowhere, that all i am is a baby maker. it was then i made a promise to never see or speak to hear again. I was around five months pregnant when I met Carmen. she was about twenty and a med student. she helped me and use to visit the house to check on me. it was one day i saw Carlisle checking her out but i looked past it. then a month later I saw text message and hush phone calls from her to him. He started staying at work late and always bring a duffle bag along with him staying he'll be back him in the morning. It was after Irina was born things got better until ten years later when Carmen walked in my house with a little girl...she looked like my husband and we argued but once she left I asked him to get a DNA test which he declined and then I got my answer"

"Wow, I'm so sorry" I said looking up to see Carmen and Carlisle laughing, "How are you with them here?

Pissed off" she said, "But he did get a DNA test two yeduring Edward's honeymoon"

So, You found out and..." I trailed.

"I keep my peace with them for Carlie sake but I...I'm just pissed off" She said.

Edward walked back up to me telling us that everyone was going to the ball dropped.


Do you want to do it now? Edward asks.

I looked at the time at saw it was half past eleven. Thirty minutes before countdown. Everyone was sitting in the living room. everyone was looking out the window drinking either beer or water. I nod as we walked into the living room.

"Everyone we have an announcement to make" Edward said handing me the photos. I past each one out then he pulled me in his arms, "Bella's pregnant"

Everyone was cheering and smiling but Carlisle who looked pissed, he looked like he was going to scream.

"Edward, how can you be so stupid" he said, "First one kid but THREE what is wrong with you?

Carlisle shut the hell up" Esme said pissed off, "I stayed with you even though you had an affair and bought this trollop on our vacation"

Esme honey i thought you forgave me" he said broken.

I did, so you better forgive them or else i will do what i promised to you six years ago" she said walking out the living room.  

Everyone was speechless but they soon erupted into cheers and congratulation. we sat down talking about the baby and a possible baby shower.

"Did you decide on the name? Kate asks.

"Elizabeth Kate, Marie Rosalie and Dustin" Edward said.

Kate started to cry as she flew into out arms sobbing, "she's honored"

When will they arrive? Esme asks

"I'm twelve weeks along so the doctor told us the due date might be May" I said rubbing my belly.

"I'm so sorry about your father Edward but you know how he is" Esme said as soon as fireworks played outside.

Everyone saw the scene so they all decided to go to their hotel. We told Anthoney about being a big brother and he was first confused but then he learned what it was and was really excited.

While Edward was reading Anothney a story my phone ring. I looked down and gasp at the ID.

"Charlie what do you want? I ask.

Please listen" he said, he went on telling me he miss me and want to see his grandchild and get reconnected with me. I told him I was out of town and promised to call him back when i get back in town. In sign going back into my room seeing lit candles, rose petals on the bed and soft music. their in front of the bed was Edward one knee with the ring he showed me on Fourth of July.

                                                         "Isabella Hale will you marry me? he asks

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