Chapter 14

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I stared in shock as he walked up to me taking me in his arms.

"Isabella" He whispers holding me tight to his chest. My arms automatically wrapped sround his waist. "God Isabella, It's been took long" .

And he was right the last time I saw him it was graduation when Mike dumped me infront of the entire college campuse.   heard a throat clear and was looked at the eyes of my love. I ran in his arm feeling the warmth that i learned to love.

"I looked up and saw his eyes at shock and Edward was staring at my friends

"Edward, this is my best friend Mason" I said smiling big.

Yea right Bella we're "Friends" he said his eye brows row at the word friend.

So how did you meet Bella? Edward asks his hold on my wast get tighter

"We were best friends in high school, eachothers first and messed aound when she was with the fucktard Jerk Mike over there" he said pointing to the guy getting dragged out by the three body guards. I blush in Edward chest but was tugged and wrapped in someone else's arms.

Bella, why so shy? he said whispering in my ear, remember all those times in your house, my house, dorms, any flat surface where my name left your lips every night.

I blush bright red but was again pulled back into Edward's arm.

"Ok, look I'm happy my girl fucked your ass every night but I think she'd rather talk about our fucking isn't that right?"

Edward" I snarled pushing him back.

Look if our kid come out with your dirty mouth i'm cutting your dick off" I said kissing his neck.

Kidd? Mason asks surprise, Your pregenant"

Yep" Edward said walking behind me holding around the waist

You got her pregnant" Mason snarled

Mason, you both are happy" I said leaning away from Edward.

Mason looked away from me then at Edward and finally bwalked offf.

Mmmm, I should go after him" I said feeling sorry.

No" He whisper, Let's find Rose"

We found Rose and started rehearsing for the dinner it went well but i was really tired. I walked to the bathroom but was pulled and pressed to the wall.

You know your sexier pregnant" Mason said pressing his hard on into my dress,

Mason" I whisper worred someone will see us.

I want you" he whisper pressing his lips in mine and putting two fingers in my panties. I felt it and even thought I wanted to scream.I was really horney. His fingers pumped in me and his tounge was driving across my neck and chest. 

Your so wet" he said then did one morre pump causing me to scream in pleasure in his neck. He took his fingers out putting them in his mouth sucked on moaning in delight. Taste better now then in college" He smirked back up and walking away. I placed my hand over my chest feeling my heart beat like a drum. Mintues maybe hours i found my breath and the ability to walk but when I turned the corner andry eyes stared into my soul.

Let's go" Edward said tugging me to Rose. as we watch her and Emmett practice their wedding i rubbing my belly thinking about Edward and I wedding...if we ever have one. I felt edward stand behind me his palms to my side. I think we need to go" he whisper his breath cool to my neck.

Why? I asks looking at how happy Rose look in her dress. Ifelt Edward hands get tighter as he whisper, "that wasn't a qestion". 

I looked up at him but was pulled to the door. i said goodbye ro everyone not stopping to give or gets hugs. Edward throw me in thr passanger seat of the car then closed it behind me jumping in the drivr seat not looking my way.

Hey, what the hell? Iasks mad but he didnt answer me just kept driving. As we arrived home he rushed inside pulling me behind him. locking our bed room door  he looked at the window steading his breath.

Take of you clothes" He said not looking at me.

What? I asks surprised. he rushed infront of me pushing me into the door my arms above my head.

When i tell you to do something do it" he said pressing his excitment into me, do you feel what you do to me? i felt his body slide down mine until he was on his knees pressing his lips on my knees then trailing kisses to my panties wrapping his teeth around my panties's trap ripping off my body.

Hey" i said words was lost as i fellt his touunge roughfuly jab in my center sent bolts to my back. i tangled my fingers in his hair as I was lifted off the ground my legs on his shoulders and his face drinking and sucking me out. i felt the fire in my stomach as i was dropped on the bed my clothes ripped off my flesh.

You better be fucking ready" he said then jabbed his penis in me going in a rough pace.

Tell me bella" he said his voice husky, "Tell me who body this belongs to.

Yours" i cried feeling my organism arriving.

Cum and no more sex" he said going fast putting my left leg on his shoulder and my right around his waist. Fuck so goood" i thought needing to cum

Baby" i plead holing on his sholder sinking my nails in his flesh.

just wait" he said pumping in me three more time, "Now cum". And at that every fucking emotion came out in that one fucking loud scream.

I smiled snuggling in his chest kissing him every where

I didn't hurt you did I? he ask the rough guy from eairler was gone. i shook my head pulling his face down to mine kiissing it.

I love you" Isaid staring in his green eyes. And i do you" He whisper back pulling me under him soon again felt him in me rocking slower and slower. making me very horney

Just feel" he whisper kissing my lips and i did. feeling him in me was amazing better than...better than Mason can ever offer.  Soon i was so tired I fell asleep but not after hearing

Next time Mason fucking touch you don't moan like you miss him" Edward said pulling me back pressing his penis in my back, " I'm the only one who makes you scream." his teeth sinked in my neck but his wet tounge sliding down my neck made me thing"Mason..who?


Days turned into weeks as edward packed for his new movie betrayel"

i was cooking eges feeling him come behind me holding close smelling my scent. I smiled putting his food on the table but was pulled down in his lap.

This movie sounds good" I said reading the script. A married man and his wife's best friend ahve an affair bacuse they thought his wife was cheating but she never did..

I felt edward smile as he was finish with his food holding me too hischest.

How long do we have? i asks worried.

An hour" he said pulling my lips to his. our tounge dance together feeling his teeth bit my bottom lip as our hand knotted our hair. Helping him with his bags was hard. it was a sign he was really leaving. we wwere don and i was pulled press into the driver door.

How, lone will you be gone" i said holding my tears.

three weeks in italy and four in forks"he said soudning tired, him get in the car but pulled my lips to his.this kiss was passinate, hunger even needy. but i had to pull away before he missed his plane. he kissed my belly once whisper, love you my child and my lips again.i watch in silent his car driving back and on the road feeeling the cold breeze hit me sending me back inside. I slide down my wood fram door looking around at the lonely home wrapping my arms around my bely.

Well, kiddo it's ust you and me" I said feeling tired as i lie my head on my floor as sleep took over me. Nothing felt this sorrow or heart shattering as to watch your love leave. i was alone even with the babby kicking... All is on your mind is what's next?

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