Chapter 24

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"You coward, why did you leave her there like that" my thoughts argued with me. I haven't seen my family in four days. I stayed out drinking, walking just clearing my head. soon I arrived at an old coffee shop and decide to warm my body off. I sat at a table and a waitress came to me noted she pushed push her chest up in my face and asked me what I uwanted. I said black coffee and waved her away. she frown at her fail flirt walking to the kitchen getting my order.

"Edward, Edward Mason? I voice said and I know that voice. I looked up and saw a women in her mid early twenties. Ebony hair, skin a chocolate and eyes hazel brown. she looked familiar as her figure lean and curvy.

Yes? I said looking at her strange.

"it's me Lulu" she said, Lulu Taylor we dated in high school"

I boggled my mind for a second then it hit me. "Lulu" I said pulling her in a hug hearing her chuckle, "how you been?

"Well, I work here now for some extra cash" she said, " I've see your movies your acting got better"

"Thanks" I said blushing.

"So how's marrage life with the she devil? she said when my coffe i arrived. i thought for a second then figured who she was talking about.

"Tanya and I divorce" I said smiling, "I have a son now and a beautiful girlfriend".

"A son" she said sad, "oh"

"Look it was great seeing you but I must go home we're having a Christmas party which you should come" i said paying for my drink about to walk out.

"Oh no I don't want to impose" she said shy.

"Please, I invited you" I said taking her hand and walking to my car. as we drive I saw she was unhappy.

"What's wrong? i ask

How old is your son? She aks.

Seven months now" I said worried.

she looked sad but put on a smile and asks, "tell me about your girlfriend"

"Oh her name is bella. she's an author" i said proud, "im in a movie based on one of her books". shes twenty-three and brunette

and beautiful, smart"

"you sound inlove" she said shock.

"For the first time i think im finally inlove" I said gazing.

First time? Lulu said sad. her head hanged down as she laid her back towards me. I looked at her thoughtful but shrugged excited to see my son and girl


We arrived at my house and saw the the christmas light on.

"this your house" she ask holding on my arm.

"Yep" i said happy walking to the door and ringing the doorbell. A few seconds later Bella open th door wearing a bright green sparkle one strap on her right shoulder cocktail dress.

"You must be bella" Lulu said inviting herself in. i followed behind her taking Bella in my arms.

Who is she? she whispers.

"A friend" Edward whispers.

"Dadda" Anothney cheered wiggling out Bella's arm. I smiled taking him in my arms kissing chubby cheek earning a giggle

"Lulu, this is my son Anothney and beautiful girl Bella" i said my arm wrapping tight around her waist.

"so how do you know eachother? Lulu asks pointing at us.

"funny story lets just say one night stand, pregnant and now we have an angel" bella said kissing Anothney's belly. she looked at Lulu then ask, "how do you know Edward?

"oh we dated in highschool and let's just say eachother first right Eddie? she ask holding my arm.

"Oh, how long did you two date? she asks.

"four years and a little after that" she said, "Im going to get something to drink, you thirsty Eddie?

I shook my head as Bella gave a death glare. when she left Bella took Anothney in her arms.

"Come on Anothney let's leave daddy look like a fool" she cooed then looked at me, "have fun Eddie".

"Damn it im in trouble now l" i thought huffing.



i walked in the kitchen getting more food and Lulu walked in her arms across her chest.

your son looks just like Edward" she said

yea" i said kissing his cheek.

you know Edward and i was once engaged? she said

really? i asks.

yep four years of dating and after graduation he asks me to marry him dumd self said no"

what happen?

"Three months later he met Tanya in college then again the next years on his movie set. He dated her that year then two more years later when he was twenty they were married" she said disgusted, "we started seeing eachother six momths after their wedding. We saw eachoth for a year when I got pregnant"

wait you got pregnant with edwards baby while he was married with Tanya?

yea he was unhappy and she thought it was exciting they were having a baby but i was pregnant with his bad too even then he still stopped talking to me and stayed with that she-devil"

why are you telling me this? i asks.

you two are not married so he's single" she said smiling.

what are you impling? i asks

he'll leave you and come back to me and our daughter"

"Daughter? i ask.

yea her name is Lucy"she said happy, "shes three and getting so big"

oh" i said sad. it was around midnight an everyone was leaving.

Edward walked back in after putting Anothney to bed.

so what do you think of Lulu" he asks taking off his shirt.

you two were engaged? i said slow.

yea but she said no and after my marriage with Tanya she wanted me back" he said getting into bed.

ok i have something to asks you? i said quitely. he looked at me concern then i spit it out.

who is lucy? i asks and saw his shocked face. This is going to be a long night.

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