chapter 4

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"Do you want something to drink?" Edward asked me as we walked in through his front door. I had my arm around his neck and he had his arm around the small of my back, because I wasn't really supposed to be on my feet.

"No, I'm fine." I assured him, looking around the house with interest as Edward walked me into the living room. "Your house is amazing." I said softly, taking it all in. The house wasn't small by any means, but it also was not insanely large. It was cozy and warm, with dark hardwood floors, tasteful furniture, and plenty of artistic touches. I admired the house, wondering if Edward had done this all himself. "Did you decorate yourself or hire someone?" I asked as Edward sat me down in a recliner and draped a blanket over my legs.

He sat down on the couch across from me, pulling his legs up onto the cushions so that he could sit cross legged. "No, I didn't do it myself. My sister and my mother handled it all." Edward explained, running his fingers through his hair quickly. "What did you want to talk about, Bella?" He asked me, but he didn't sound abrupt or rude. He just sounded curious and unable to hold back anymore.

I smiled, trying to reassure assure him, before I spoke. "Edward, I just want to know how all of this is going to work out. I know that you and I are not a couple, but I would like for us to have a relationship. I know that you want to wait for the CVS results, but I can tell you right now that this baby really is yours. And I want to know how we are going to do all of this. You're going to have to be there, Edward. I know that you're a big celebrity and things aren't easy for you, but that doesn't mean you can ignore the existence of your child. I'm not asking for you to give up everything, but I would really appreciate it if we could figure out some kind of arrangement."

I knew that I was talking very quickly, but Edward didn't seem fazed by it. He simply listened intently, nodding his head slightly. "Thank you for understanding how I feel, though. About the CVS, I mean. And as for an arrangement..." He hesitated, looking at me with doubt in his eyes. "I would really like it if you would consider moving in with me." He said, and my jaw dropped. Not missing a beat, Edward continued. "Listen, it's not what you're thinking...I have plenty of room. It's not like we'll be in the same bed or anything." He was speaking quickly now too, and sounded flustered. "I'm trying to trust you, okay? And when the CVS results come back, I think that it would be best if we could raise, you know, together. We don't have to be a couple or anything, but don't you think it would be easier if we lived together?"

"Easier? I guess so." I said slowly, twisting a piece of my hair around my index finger. "Edward, I really appreciate this, but this isn't really what I want from you. Please, let me pay rent or do you laundry or cook for you or something.

Edward laughed softly, shaking his head and looking down at his feet. "I don't need you to do that, Bella. I can hire people to do that, I have the money."

"I know you do, Edward. I've seen your salary plastered all over the pages of magazines. I feel like way too much of your life is available to the public, but that isn't my concern. I don't want to be useless, okay? I like having some kind of purpose. I don't like being pampered or treated like a princess. I'm a normal girl."

Again, Edward was smirking at me with light in his eyes. "Alright. If that makes things easier on you."

At this point, would anything make this situation easier? Because it seemed to me like nothing was easy about our situation.


Edward had to leave early so I just thought of walking aroungd a bit.

umm excuse me but are you Bellla swan the girl in the magizines with edward? she asks

umm yes I am answering unsure

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