My Dear Old Friend,
it is not about belief.
Let us not argue
over "Beliefs" any longer,
it is a waste of time...
for that is not where this is going,
that is not what any of this is actually about.
It is not about belief,
but rather
the absence
of beliefs.
Not the judging of belief,Not the proving nor disproving of Belief
Nor the winning over of the hearts and minds
with this belief or that belief over that other one
the conquering
of one Belief above all Beliefs
In the name of believing only the Belief you believe is real, most true, worthy of actually having been the Truth.
That is not
what this is actually about.not at all
My Dear Old Friend
If you will
The absence of that,not even the opposite of; but rather
the total absence
of that
which we
Just Imagine
The Absence of All BeliefStart there...
and you are beginningto approach
Something like
Which is
All that Is
The subject of all this
is not found in any Belief System
Because they are explicitly ABOUT Belief
and enforcing one of theirs above all others
But LIFE is not
Life is not about
Life is NOT about BeliefSo I say to you-
It is not about belief, I can personally assure you.
and it is NOT that I "do not believe that it is not about beliefs",No my Dear Old Friend,
for I hold no such beliefs at all.
I hold no Beliefs at all
Never Have, Never Will
I only seek experience
And Thus, Having Experienced
I have come to the clear unfettered understandingthat it
is not about Belief.
and that it could never be about them.
I do not ask you for your Belief in this regard.Never have, Never will.
You do not need believe me.
You toocan also know.
in reality, my love...
Poetrya humble collection of whispered prayers to the Goddesses Muse "There is a world of worlds within Worlds, here among us, in this Nexus of story and imagination, and the community we co-create around it." ~The Writer, Prelude to Everything, Ch...