Chapter 1 - Hard life

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As Roger sat on the hill looking down on his kingdom, he wondered what life would be like not being a prince. Probably better than having to have an arranged marriage and being forced to follow royal rules. He then rolled down the hill getting covered in flowers. When he reached the bottom he shook the flowers off and stepped towards that castle.

"Who is here?" He asked himself. There was a fancy carriage outside by the gate. He walked up to it and then realized it was Prince Freddie's.

"Roger dear! Nice to see you again!" Freddie exclaimed. He walked up to Roger and gave him a hug.

"All right Freddie. What is t this time? Need some dating advice about Jim?" Roger asked. He knew Freddie wouldn't come to just say hi.

"What? I can't simply come over and say hello to my best friend?" Freddie asked offended. Roger then raised and eyebrow.

"Just come with me." Roger told him. He dragged Freddie into the castle and made their way up to his room. As they went up the steps Roger stopped. He looked out the window to see his village. He sighed with sadness and Freddie noticed.

"What's the matter?" Fred asked.

"I'll tell you in a moment." Roger said as he continued to walk up the stairs. They got to Rogers room and Freddie sat down on Rogers bed edge. Roger was looking out his window. It was opened and the fresh wind blew in the room. Roger seemed upset.

"Roger what's the matter? You've been staring at your village looking depressed as hell." Freddie asked worried.

"I..I just don't want to be a prince. I don't want to be in a marriage that was arranged for me and I will possibly now even love the person I have to marry. I want to be free and live my own life, make me own rules, and do whatever I please." Roger explained. Freddie walked up and put his hand on Rogers shoulder.

"I understand. I wish I wasn't a prince sometimes too. But I realize that I can marry someone I love like Jim. We can also see each other whenever we please." Freddie said.

"Well at least the people of my village get to walk to see someone and not have to ride in some cliche carriage." Roger said a little bit mad.

"I see. Well there is nothing we can do about it. We can't quit being a prince." Freddie said. To Roger, he had made a point but he still wanted to be free.

"So, wasn't there something you wanted to tell me? I know you wouldn't come over just to say hi and have tea." Roger asked. Freddie didn't say anything. Roger kept bothering him to spill until he did.

"Alright alright. I want to confess to Jim but I want to do it in person. I'm just scared he won't accept." Freddie explained. He was shaking just thinking about it.

"It's okay. If he doesn't accept then he just can't see what he is missing. Plus I'll be there for you. You're like a bother to me and I'll always be there for you buddy." Roger patted Freddie's shoulder.

"Thanks Roger. I just need to man up and say it." Freddie said. He was happier now.


After Prince Freddie has left this was Rogers time to take action. He couldn't help but feel the need to leave the palace for one night. As soon as he finished his supper with the king and queen, he bolted to his room. Until he was stopped.

"Roger, where are you going?" His mother asked. Roger never went to bed after dinner. He would usually go out to the garden out back of the palace.

"I'm just going to bed. Prince Freddie had came over and we had a real good time that I need some rest." He lied. All he and Freddie did was talk about their thoughts.

"Oh alright. Goodnight Roger." His mother said. Roger then rushed up to his room. It was very dark outside. Roger changed into some comfortably and warm clothes. He check to see it the coast was clear. He took some of his old clothes he didn't use anymore and ties the all together to us as a rope. His room was pretty high up. Roger was a little nervous, but if he didn't do this now, he may never be able to go see his village. So he tied up the rope to something sturdy. He climbed down the rope and made his way out of the castle gates.

"I'm out..IM OUT!!" He couldn't believe he did this.

"WOOHOOO-whoops.." he needed to stay quite. He went to his village and walked around. No one really knew that he was the prince because he never went out. Plus he didn't have his royals clothes on. Everyone was having bonfires and dancing. It looked like so much fun to Roger. He walked away from the excitement to see what else was there. There was a quaint marker that wasn't in use because of the time, beautiful houses and plants, and nice people. This was such a great night to be out and explore. He then heard a soft melody of a lute being played. He followed the sound and he found someone. He was sitting next to a little bonfire he had made and stopped his melody. He turned around to face Roger. They both turned red at the sight of each other. His hair was as dark as the midnight sky, and as curly as a poddles, with beautiful hazel eyes, and the most delicate skin ever.

"Hello.." Roger started. He walked over to the boy.

"Are you..Prince Roger?" He asked.

"Y-yes I am.." Roger hesitated. The boy stood up and walked closer to Roger.

"It's nice to meet my ruler of my village." He said with a smile. Rogers heart skipped a beat seeing the boy smile.

"I'm Brian. Brian May." He introduces himself. He put his hand out and Roger shook his hand. As he shook his hand Roger kissed Brian's hand. He looked back up and they were both blushing.

"Prince Roger Taylor. Pleasure to meet you pretty boy." Roger said winking. Brian seemed shy after he said that and Roger liked it.

"Please just call me Roger though." Roger said. They let go of each other's hands and looked at each other.

"Alright Roger. It is nice to meet you too." Brian said.

He's...beautiful.. Roger said to himself. He couldn't believe that he had met someone so gorgeous.

To be continued

AHHHH THIS IS MY FIRST CHAPTER!!! I ship Maylor so much and I'm glad I finally get to make this au. I hope you like it, btw I'm new to Wattpad.

Maylor • Prince AU Where stories live. Discover now