Chapter 7- Love is Love

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*Rogers POV*

As I walked down the stairs I could hear my parents whispering.

"Yes?" I asked. I was shaking in my boots hoping that they hadn't seen me or knew what I had done.

"Sit down Roger. We must talk." My father said blankly as I sat down in front of their thrones. Screw chair, I'll sit in the floor.

"Your mother and I saw you outside. Who was that young man you were with?" He asked. DAMMIT!! ABORT MISSION ABORT ABORT!!!

"Oh uh I uhm...that was Brian. He is just a friend. He was guarding me as I went to the fore-"

"We saw you kiss him! He is clearly more than a friend! I will not have my son be gay and marry a man! I forbid it." My father said in a harsh cold voice. I could believe what I was hearing. I knew they wouldn't except this but still I couldn't believe I was hearing this from my own father...oh god. WORD VOMIT!

"I DON'T CARE! I LOVE HIM AND I SWEAR I AM GOING TO MARRY HIM AND NOT SOME LOW LIFE DIRTY PRINCESS!!" I yelled. Fuck I messed this up. What was my mother doing during all of this? She had a blank stare on her face and didn't say a word.

"NO YOU WILL NOT! MY SON IS NOT GAY AND YOU WILL BE MARRIED TO PRINCESS DOMINIQUE IN TWO DAYS TIME!" He scolded. I was about to cry I wasn't able to take this. The last words I said made it clear I wasn't going to marry this Dominique.

"SCREW BEING A PRINCE! IM RUNNING AWAY AND NEVER COMING BACK! HELL I MARRY BRIAN IN FRONT OF YOUR DUMB ASS'S!" Then I ran back to my room. I slammed the door and Freddie jolted up as soon as he saw me. I was crying. I pushed myself against the door, slid down, covered my knees and held them to my chest. I cried like there was no tomorrow.

"My goodness Roger!  What happened?" He asked scared.

"I'm going to run away. I cant take this anymore, my parents saw me with Brian and now they are making me marry some girl Dominique. I love Brian and I have to marry him." I sobbed. I didn't care that I spent only a few days with Brian. We both like music, he is a vegetation, like the color black, has a sense of humor. Gosh he was too perfect to get over him.

"Roger you can't just run away from your problems." Freddie stated. He had a point but I was going to run away.

"Freddie are you and Jim dating?" I asked.

"Wait where did that come from?" He gave me his question to answer but I needed to know.

"Just answer!" I said loudly.

"OKAY OKAY! I should have told you but yes..we started going out a while ago while you were out. That's why I was here when you came back." He explained.

"Come with me! Bring Jim, we can all love together and just have fun! We can also try to bring Joh-" I was then cut off by Freddie.

"Roger calm down. I'm sorry we can't all go. You just need to leave with him. Nor Jim, Deac(k)y or Jim can go. I'm sorry..." he said with sympathy. I needed them to come with us. We could be free, make our own rules. Do what we want and can all be alone.

"No. I want us all to be there. We can all be free from this all and live our own lives! Please Freddie you're my best friend."(OOOO YOU'RE MAKING ME LLLIIIIVVVVVVEEEEE I'm sorry..) I needed to convince him.

"I will think about it. I mean it does sound nice being away from all this and doing what we want. I could try to talk to Jim.." Freddie said. YES! I'm thrilled we could actually be doing this. FINALLY!

*later that night*

I knew my parents found out about Brian and I but that did stop me from going out. I quickly got up from my bed as soon as it hit 11 pm. I took my clothes rope which I still have thank you very much, and put it down the side of the castle by my window. Man my parents must have though I wasn't going back since they didn't put out security. Whatever. I got down quickly and climbed over the castle walls and escaped! Insert victory dance! Sorry.

"Okay now." I clapped my hands and started to walk to the village. Once again it was empty and quiet. Nice, very peaceful. I stopped in my tracts once I heard...sobbing? I followed the sound and it lead me to Brians...

"What am I going to do John?" Brian asked John. What was he upset about?

"I love him so much. But I barely know him and now if I want to be with him I have to marry him!" Be began crying again. Oh no...please Brian do cry. I'm sorry I made you feel this way!

"It's okay Brian. This way if you marry him, you won't have to be alone. If you get married then he knows that wherever you go and wherever you go, he will always be yours. And you will always be his." John stated. It made so much sense.

"Thank you know...maybe. Maybe this will be okay. He is very charming and I can never get his damn cute ass smile out of my head." Brian said as he hugged John. I went up to the door and knocked. I heard footsteps coming. John opened the door.

"Oh hey Roger!" John said cheerfully. Brian then rushed over to Brians side.

"R-Roger! What are you do-"I cut Brian off by hugging him. So tightly and surprisingly that he falls back on the floor. I get off of him a little bit then bring him into a loving kiss.

"Well I'm just going to watch this play out." Deac(k)y said as he sat down on a chair.

"Can we please talk in my room? John stay here." Brian said.

"Yes your highness." He said sarcastically to Brian. Brian lead me to his cozy room. He sat down on the edge of his bed and I sat next to him. I placed an arm on his shoulder and turned his chin so he would be facing me. He smiled and gave me a small kiss on the head then the lips.

"Roger...I have been thinking a lot and talking with John and I do want to marry you. I really do." Brian said. Oh my goodness he really does! Now I can marry who I want and not some silly girl!

"Brian I love you!" I say as I kiss him. He falls onto the bed with me on top. We pull away and stare at each other.

"I love you too Roger. I really do!" He said to me with a sweet voice.

"HES A KEEPER!" John yelled from downstairs. We both laughed and continued to kiss once again. He is the love of my life.

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