Chapter 8- The plan

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I know this is escalating quickly but I have other stories to write and yeah. Ever heard of oneshots? I am also going really slow with these and I'm so sorry. Btw follow me on Instagram. If I let you 😂

*4 days later at Brians*

"Listen Roger. If you really want to do this we can. I thought about this a lot. And I mean a lot. I am aware that when you do this you won't be prince. Are you sure you want to do this?" Brian asked concerned.

"Yes I am positive. I want to live with you and be normal and not some prince. It's not as fun as it sound and I would move heaven and earth for you. I know this may seemed rushed but this is all I want." Roger explained. He didn't care this was rushed a little, all he wanted was to be with Brian. See him every morning, spend the whole day with him, and see his sweet smile.

"Well alright but what about a wedding? I've never been married and I have always wanted to know what a real wedding is like. Would it be possible?" Brian asked.

"Well technically I am still the that would be possible!" He said with excitement. Brian then went over and kissed Rogers forehead.

"I love you Roger...I can't wait to spend everyday with you." He said with love and compassion. Roger blushed he hugged Brian. After that, Roger explained how he had to go back to the castle to get his belonging.

"Are you sure? What if your parents see?" He asked concerned.

"Don't worry, Freddie is at the castle in my room. I have a rope his can give to us we can get back to the room." Roger re assured his fiancée.


That night, Roger and Brian left the cottage and went carefully to the castle. It was about 1:00am so no villagers were awake. As they were walking, they say someone's silhouette in front of then. (I SEE A LITTLE SILHOUETTEO OF A MANNNN!!!!!!!)
The boys then started to panic. They backed up carefully not wanting to startle the person. As they were walking Brian stepped on a stick. Roger then gasped as the stick cracked. The silhouette then faced them. It came closer and closer until they was John.

"Holy hell John. You scared the shit out of us!" Brian said at the younger lad. John laughed.

"So were are you two love birds off to? Your make out spot?" He asked as he raised and eyebrow and smirked.

"No actually. Not this time. We have to sneak to the castle and get my belongings." Roger explained.

"Oh okay. You rebels need help?" John offered.

"Yes actually. When we get in can you be a look out and tug the rope if someone is coming." Roger quickly explained. John shrugged and the three made their way to the castle. Like ninjas. And by that I mean they tripped over sticks, buckets, and freaking leaves dammit Roger.

Once they were at the castle, Roger made a soft whistle. His rope came down and he and Brian climbed up. Deac(k)y watched like a hawk. As they went in Freddie hugged Roger.

"So How is it with you two?" He asked as he looked over at both Roger and Brian.

"It's good. Have you asked Jim about the thing yet?" Roger asked Freddie.

"Yes I did. He actually agreed. He confessed that he wanted to stop royalty and be free. I guess it was something he never wanted to talk about." The black haired boy explained.

"That' I didn't expect him to actually say yes." Roger said with joy. Roger then remembered that Brian wanted a wedding. So he snuck downstairs and went to the butlers he trusteed the most. Thank god that his mother and father went to the Austin kingdom while he was gone.

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