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Annie POV
I woke up to people talking downstairs and my alarm going off. I shut my alarm off and I walk to Hayden's room to see he is not there so I walk downstairs. "Hey Annie" Hayden and Hayley said. When I got closer to them they both had whip cream all over there face and I laughed. "Hey guys" I said trying to hold back my laugh. "What's so funny" Hayley said. "It's just you guys have whip cream all over your face" I said laugh. "So do you" Hayley said. "What?" I said. Just then Hayden came ups from behind me and splattered whip cream all over my face. "HAYDEN!!" I said. Hayley and Hayden laugh and I joined them. DING DONG!! I run over to the door and see that Asher was there. "What do you want" I said. "I came here to say I'm sorry" he said. "It's ok Asher" I said. We hugged and I motion him inside. "Hey Annie who's at the door" Hayden said. He walked over to the hall entrance. "What is he doing here" Hayden said. "I came here to apologize to you and Annie. Asher said.
"Mmmhmmm" Hayden said. "Look Hayden I'm sorry for what I did to you and your sister can you please forgive me" Asher said. "I'll think about" Hayden said. Hayden walked away and Asher sighed. "It's ok Asher Hayden just needs some time" I said. "Your right" I said.

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