{9} Everything happens for a reason

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Everything was black, I could heard talking around me but I didn't know what was going on, what's happening?! What's wrong?!

"Wake up." I heard a voice tell me but I wasn't able to make the voice out.

"Am I dying? Is that what this is?"

"Here's the secret baby if you live, if you die it's all up to you, so keep fighting." The voice said to me.

"I just want this to be over already!!" I yelled but nobody could hear me, and it was pointless. Life seemed so pointless at this point.

"She's coding! She's coding!" Someone yelled.

"Here's the secret baby, if you die baby you won't be able to get married, or have kids, so keep fighting." I knew the voice from anywhere it was my mothers voice.

"I don't want to fight no matter, what's the point in living?"

"You have an amazing career, what you do is amazing. I see you having a good future with Peter Stone, getting married, and having kids, so keep fighting not only for you but for everyone else. So fight for this okay?"

"Okay, I'll fight for this." Once I said that she disappeared she was gone, just like she was before.


I adjusted my eyes to a bright white wall. A humming and beeping nose was going off every second making my head hurt even more then it was.

"Beep...Beep...Beep..." Was all I heard going off right in my ear.

"Mhm." I groaned as I tried to sit up but it was impossible for me to sit up because I physically couldn't sit up right now.

"Just relax and lay down sweetie." I heard my father say. "Your okay."

"I feel woozy, I feel high." My father let out a small chuckle.

"That's the anesthesia baby." I looked around the room and realized my whole family was here, but no Peter or anyone from my squad wish crushed my heart.

"Mhm, when can I go home?"

"You were shot your going to be in here for a couple days so they can motor you." I looked up at my father and nodded.

"Hmmm. I'm okay, I can't feel anything." I heard chuckles throughout the room. Someone was holding my hand on the other side but my eyes were closed by now.

"Tired?" My father said.

I nodded my head. "A cheeseburger would be good right now."

"Unfortunately your on hospital food. How are you feeling right now?" I heard Linda's voice say, I opened up my eyes and smiled.

"I feel like I'm flying. Like back to the time when I first tried weed." I giggled softly.

"Don't worry tomorrow she won't even remember it." Linda said. "That's what's anesthesia does to you."

"So can I get my cheeseburger now? With cheese fries and pickles?"

"No." She chuckled. "No you can not, I'll bring you up some pudding."

"Pudding? Blah."

"Pudding and ice chips that's all." She said and walked out.

"You." I pointed at Danny. "Your wife is being very stubborn." He chuckled.

"Well you can't have a cheeseburger." He said sitting next to me. "Although one would be good."

"Escape me from this hospital." I said sitting up, trying to take the IV out of my arm.

"No." Danny said putting his arm on mine. "We are not escape here. If you be good I'll bring you a cheeseburger with cheese fries pickles and a soda later deal?"

"Deal." I flickered my eyes shut.

"Say night to Auntie Katelyn." I heard Danny say.

"Night Auntie Katie." I heard the boys say as they walked out.

"You guys can go get something since we all been here for hours." I heard Erin say.

"Are you sure?" My father said. "I mean I don't want to leave her."

"She'll be fine, if anything I'll call you."

"Alright." My father, Grandpa, Joe and Jamie kissed my head and they left.

"Auntie." Nicky said as she walked over to the bed.

"Hm?" I let out softly.

"Are you okay?" I patted the spot open next to me.

"I'm okay come here." Nicky got into bed next to me and put her head on my arm. I smiled closing my eyes knowing that I had my family and that's all that counted.

Because family is everything.

You Found Me (Blue Blood Fanfic)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now