I Heard a Rumour...

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Published on March 24th, 2019. 06.10

Will May survive the day? If this report is accurate, perhaps not.


It should be remembered that the Sunday Times, as well as often being innacurate, is owned and used as a mouthpiece by Rupert *spit!* Murdoch, who no doubt has his own agenda he would like to impose on the situation.

We'll know whether this is true or just bollocks paper talk soon enough. I think it likely May will call any plotters' bluff as even though she has no authority now, she still has the office of Prime Minister firmly within her clutches; that is her decision alone whether to relinquish the post.

I hope she stays on, as she's the best guarantee of a clean Brexit by default, as well as forever shattering the Tory party.

If anything happens there'll be an update or new chapter published.

Update: 13.25.

Well it was fun while it lasted, but this looks like a fizzle. All to the good as continuing to have May at the helm and the Tories tearing themselves apart increases the chances of a clean Brexit.


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