Full Speed Ahead, And Damn The Torpedoes!

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Published on August 28th, 2019.

Bojo has thrown down the gauntlet to those who planned to force a Vote of No Confidence in his government or sought to prevent a No Deal Brexit at Halloween with the passing of an emergency bill by asking the Queen to prorogue - suspend - Parliament for a short time in the run-up to October the 31st.

Regardless of the fact there was a pre-planned recess in any case to accommodate the party conferences, those MPs who refuse to accept the will of the people as expressed by a majority of 1,269,501 - a greater mandate than any government in recent political history has had - are wailing and gnashing their teeth about how 'undemocratic' the measure is. Well now they've been repaid in their own coin, and they don't like it!

I wonder though, if Johnson has been able to obtain enough of a prorogation from Mrs Windsor to see his plans through. There is still plenty of scope for the Remain at any cost anti-democrats to make mischief in the first week of September and the final half of October when the House is still scheduled to sit. Perhaps there will be an extension announced to the prorogation to put an end to their foolishness once and for all? If that is the case it'll be interesting to see if the likes of Rory Stewart make good on their threats to convene an alternative anti-Brexit parliament, and what will happen to them if they try.

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