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The boys came stumbling through the door with their cases. Obviously excited to get back in their own space. The girls were still round, staying over for the last night. I managed to worm my way round Cal giving up his bed for one last night. I left Harry alone to unpack while i welcomed home my brother, allowing him to say hello to Isadora. He pulled her into a hug and comment on how long it had been, I was never worried about them two being close, it's just what happens when you grow up together. He finally meet cleo and Harriet to which I was slightly more concerned about.

When I had a spare moment I knocked on Harry's door and waited for a sign for me to enter.

"Hey." He said getting up and welcoming me with a firm kiss, "corr, it's been too long, I was afraid I'd end up kissing Cal if I waited any longer."

"Not at all a disturbing thought." I laughed. "Are you ready for your present." He said raising his eyebrows, something about his expressions told me I should be worried.

"I swear Harry." I said expecting something over the top. He smirked and pulled out this brown paper bag with the top folded over. He passed it over and stood their waiting for me to look inside. "Not at all dodgy, better not be drugs." I laughed. He didn't saying anything as I started to open the top and look inside.

My eyes widened as I closed the bag immediately, shocked. "Harry!" I gasped with a hint of laughter. He leaned backwards in a laugh, "I couldn't resist.".

I opened the bag again and looked in side, reaching inside to pull out a small mahogany coloured wooden bottle opener, of course in the shape of an uncircumcised penis. "This is absolute jokes." I laughed. "Oh my god, I can't believe you've done this."

"It was a little weird explaining it to the guys, I told them it was for my own personal use."

"Is that why it's so small?" I smirked. "Hey they don't all look like that." He was quick to comment. I cringed and laughed at the entire situation. "Well, do you like it then?" He asked, eager for an answer.

"I love it, thank you." I hugged him, after placing it back in the brown bag. I took the new possession of my into my room and stashed it away in my draws to keep it out of sight, for now.

I walked into the living room where now everyone had started socialising, Harry included. I smiled looking at the sight of people around me. How much can change in 4 weeks, it's impossible to believe that I'm standing here with a smile on my face.

I walked over to the sofa and squeezed myself in between the arm of the sofa and Cal. They were mid discussing plans for a night out in London. "Are you sure you guys are up for it, I can imagine you've been a bit of wild one."

"One last night, my liver can handle it." Cal nudged. "I'm down." Isadora commented. "Yep why not." Cleo added while Harriet nodded. "Alright. I better pick out an outfit, you guys can help yourselves to my wardrobe if you need anything." I added.

"I don't know, I'm not feeling a dress tonight. Maybe a nice top." Harry said blankly staring into midair. I laughed in response, seemingly the only one. "I think she meant the females." Callum replied. "Wouldn't be the first time Harry's worn a dress." Cal laughed. Harry smiled along with the joke.

It wasn't long before we found ourselves in the middle of Roxy club in London. Struggling to hear each other over the music, only managing to do so in the smoking area and at the bar. I stood outside with my small clutch bag, pulling out my cigarettes and lighter, struggling to light my fag.

"Need some help?" A voice appeared from beside me. "My lighters out of fluid." I shrugged. "Here." He said lighting his own and holding it towards me, allowing me to inhale. "Thanks." I said blowing out my smoke.

"Noah." He said holding out his hand. "Eva." I said shaking his hand in return. "I have to say, that's a fantastic dress." He commented looking down at my off the shoulders short red dress. "Thanks, but I'm pretty sure I've seen like 5 girls wearing the exact same thing so it must be more generic than fantastic." I laughed.

"Well nothing about you screams generic." He smirked. I let out the breath through my nose as I smiled. "Can I buy you a drink?" He said finishing his fag. The question took me back a little. In the combination of alcohol and distortion from the loud music, my mind fizzled. "Sorry I have a girlfriend." I jumped at my own response. "Oh sorry, is she here tonight, I'll have to compliment her on locking you down." He said seeming less smooth than before. "No she's not." I mumbled. "Sorry I better go back in I've been a while. It was really nice meeting you Noah." I said before turning and heading towards the door to the club.

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