Chapter 24

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Joey's POV

3 months after

Everything went smoothly after that. Everybody accepted Shane, I mean they didn't really have a reason not too, and Shane's just been generally more happy. He's always smiling and never depressed which I thought he would be in the start of this whole situation. 

Joey: Hey Shane, do you want to go somewhere? Just on a little trip?

I was going to take him to six flags since he hasn't been there before. At first I was a little sketchy whether to go or not, since Shane hasn't really seen it, but I decided why the hell not.

Shane: Uh where are we going?

Shane asked as he walked down the stairs. He already mastered them.

Joey: Somewhere you've never been before!

Shane: A vagina?

 I burst out laughing, clutching my stomach.

Joey: God no Shane, we're going to six flags!

I announced, jumping up and down. Shane's face lit into a smile and he pumped his fist in the air.

Shane: Whoo! This is gonna be awesome! I can't wait Joey! Thank you!!!

Shane motioned me to come over to him, so I did, running into his arms. He engulfed his arms around me and I sighed, breathing in his scent. I was scared that he wouldn't like the idea but he did, and thank god.

Joey: Okay, so we're leaving today at 11:00 am, so you gotta eat breakfast, and then we're off!

Shane nodded quickly and I led him to the chairs, sitting him down and pushing the plate towards him. He felt around the plate lightly and picked up a piece of bacon, shoving it down his throat.

Joey: Woah not so hard! Calm down, we have fifteen minutes. Eat slowly.  

I hopped over to the couch, taking my documents with me. Really what Shane doesn't know, is that he's enough into the year to have a little thing at the doctors where he will see for about 30 seconds with some technology. I didn't want to tell him so it would be a surprise, and I couldn't wait for him. 

Shane: I'm done Joey! Can you get my shoes please? The white sneakers please? 

Joey: Sure babe.

I gave him his shoes and he went over to the door and we were off. As we were driving to the hospital, I couldn't stop shaking my leg out of anticipation. I was so excited for Shane. 

When we arrived at the hospital, I led Shane to the doors but not without any questions. 

Shane: Joey? Where are we going? 

Joey: The hospital. You know, to pick up some medicine for your eyes. 

Shane nodded, not really thinking deeper into the situation. He just gripped onto my arm and I led the way. I walked up to the reception and smiled. 

Joey: Here for Shane's appointment please. 

Receptionist: Shane Yaw?

I nodded and she typed in her computer furiously. I tapped my foot on the floor, creating a beat in my head. Nodding my head, the receptionist spoke, disturbing my music. 

Receptionist: Room 4B. Take the elevator to the fourth floor and turn left. Second door. 

Joey: Thanks...

I mumbled to her, taking Shane's hand, too excited for my own sake. 

Shane: Why are you so jumpy babe? Everything alright?

Joey: Fine, just excited for six flags, that's all. 

Shane frowned. not quite believing me. 

Shane: Joey?...

Joey: Look, everything's okay, okay? Don't worry. 

I tugged him along the hallway when we came off the elevator. I came to the door and knocked quietly, my arm shaking in anticipation. I don't even know why I was so nervous, it wasn't me who was getting this done. 

Doctor: Come in.

I tugged the door open and stepped in and looked at the whole room. It was white and small (obviously). Looking over at Shane, he seemed so content, I was so excited for him.

Doctor: Please, sit down. 

I took a seat next to him, Shane beside me, with some of my help. 

Doctor: Alright uh Joey? Does Shane know what we are doing today?

I shook my head, squeezing Shane's hand. 

Doctor: Well, Shane, what we are going to do is an easy procedure. *BTW I made this all up! I don't know if this is real!* We are going to get glasses for you that are really special, and you have to open your eyes for it. 

Shane: Wait what are we doing exactly?

Doctor: We're making you see for about thirty seconds Shane.

Shane gasped and covered his mouth, almost choking on air. I'm pretty sure he was crying, but he couldn't because his tear ducts were damaged. My poor little baby.

Shane: J-joey? W-what? I.. I what?

Joey: It's my little surprise for you baby. 

I smiled at him even though he couldn't see me, but I could tell that he was sensing my smile. 

Doctor: Alright, I'm gonna give you the glasses now. Open your eyes please. 

I looked over at Shane, squeezing his hand, almost as if to reassure him. He hesitated and slowly his eyes twitched, and soon enough I could see a tiny bit of blue and soon, the tears started streaming.I couldn't control myself, his eyes just looked so beautiful.

Shane: I don't see, nothing is different. 

The doctor attached the glasses onto Shane and went onto the computer, booting up a program. And soon enough, I heard Shane scream and jump out of his seat. 

Shane: Joey! Holy shit Joey I can see! I can see colors and shapes and...! 

He whipped his head around, staring straight into my eyes. 

Shane: Your so beautiful Joey. 

He cried, although no tears came out. However, I was a mess. My whole face was wet from tear stains. Shane ran over to me, touching my face and feeling my skin. 

Shane: Your eyes are so gorgeous babe. S-so gorgeous. 

I sobbed as I took his hand and kissed it.

Doctor: Ten more seconds.

Shane: No! Please! I need my eyesight back! Please don't do this to me! 

Shane wailed and grabbed onto me, screaming into my chest. I clung onto him tightly and he looked one last time into my eyes.

Shane: I love you.

I just nodded and saw how the glasses turned off automatically and Shane screamed. He kicked and punched me. All I could do was stare in horror at him.

Shane: Please give me my sight... Please... I need to see the most beautiful and most meaningful thing to me in the world! Please...

He collapsed onto the floor and I rushed to him, soothing his back.

Joey: Baby it's okay. I love you too.

Shane: At least I got to see how beautiful you are again. None of my dreams will ever accomplish what I just saw. I love you so much.

He shook into my chest, hiccuping. I soothed him and kissed hs forehead.

Joey: Come on babe, let's go to six flags.

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