Chapter 26

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The wedding was held about four months later, with lovely flowers and ribbons of every colour. The laughter that was exchanged was breathtaking, the happiness was over the roof, and every single guest left with both of those things in their bodies. Especially Joey and Shane. 

Joey's POV

As I stared at Shane, my mind drew a blank. This is the man I married yesterday. Yesterday! How could I love him even more? I honestly didn't know! 

Joey: Shane, you have to take out the garbage. Go! 

Shane: Fine fine I got it, it was your day today anyways. 

Oh right. Of course it was! How could I have forgotten...

Joey: Alrighty! Go go, before you miss the truck! 

Shane chuckled and ran out the door, saluting to me on the way out. I did the same, checked if he was outside, before running up the stairs at top speed. My goal was to get to my laptop in ten seconds before Shane would come back into the house. 

I arrived and quickly started it up, muttering 'hurry hurry hurry' under my breath, with a few curse words to add into it. My Mac booted up and I hurried through the history, my heartbeat rising and I had to check over my shoulder every 5 seconds. The tab opened and I smiled. 

I was planning on buying plane tickets to Paris for our honeymoon. We hadn't really talked about it yet, not at all. 

Yet, the message at the bottom of the screen caught my attention, just like the other few times. I didn't dare to open it, I'd seen the notification and who it was from and immediately shut my laptop with my breath labored. Now, looking at it, my heart once again sped up and my hands went clammy. Fuck. 

Shane: Babe! I'm back! 

I slammed down my laptop and rushed downstairs, nearly running into my husband. He blindly searched for me, his smile appearing when his hands hit my chest. 

Shane: You would never believe what happened out there! Okay so, I went out to put the garbage away, right? And I was just about at the curb and I hear the freaking garbage truck roll away! Obviously he saw me, but given my blindness he probably got fed up and he just started driving away! So I run after this dickwad, praying for my life no car would hit me, and I run right into the back of the truck and fall straight onto my ass! And get this!...

I interrupted Shane, my leg twitching. 

Joey: Wow babe great story! Now, why don't you go wash up after falling into all that garbage! 

I patted him on the back, gently showing him the direction of the shower.

Shane: I didnt fall exactly into the garbage...

Joey: Yeah? Okay thats great now hurry along! à

I felt like a dick doing it, but I had to. I needed to check that message, my fingertips were aching. He looked in my general direction and frowned, his beautiful eyes closed. I for a moment forgot all my worries and touched his cheek lightly with my forefinger. 

Shane: Whats wrong babe?

Joey: Nothing, just up you go to shower. Dont take too long!

Shane just nodded weekly and slowly walked up the stairs, his hand gripping onto the railing. 

Once that was over, I rushed back into my office, repeating the whole process. Even though I came for the message, I booked out flights to Paris and reserved all the hotels. Now, my eyes twitch and my fingers quiver, my mind searching for a reasonable explanation.

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