Chapter 12!

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Lisa's POV

I hear some stomps and crashes and I go upstairs to check on Shane.

Shane's POV

As soon as I saw those drugs, I immediately knew why I loved Lisa with my mind only. She had been using me. This anger boiled up inside me. Two things really ticked me off right now. The fact that I was drugged by Lisa. But the worst was that she made Joey suffer and broke his heart. I didn't care what my mind said right now. Love is stronger than anything. I took the drug bottle and smashed it on the ground. I took the picture on the nightstand of Lisa and I and threw it on the ground and started jumping on it. I took the picture out and ripped it in half. I was too mad to care what I was doing. I soon heard footsteps and my door creaking open.

Lisa: Honey you ok?

Honey? HONEY?!

Shane: Shut up you little devil!

Lisa: W-what?

Shane: Love overcomes anything! Even your mind! And you didn't know that, did you Lisa?

Lisa: What are you...

Shane: I saw the drugs!

Lisa: You did?

Shane: Of coarse I did! You're such a whore! I'm out of here!

I ran to the door and pushed her aside. I went out the front door and slammed it behind me. I needed to see Joey. My one true love.

Joeys POV

How could Shane? I loved him so much and he does this to me! And I still do love him! But he doesn't see that obviously. I went to the bathroom and locked the door. I just sat on the toilet for about 3 hours. But I finally decided what I was going to do. I took a razor from my drawer and dug it into my skin. I heard a knock on my front door but that didn't stop me. Sawyer could get it. The person knocked about twice then the door broke down. Soon I heard knocks on the bathroom door. I dug deeper and deeper not caring who it was.

??? Just open the door!

I knew who that was. It was Shane.

Shane's POV

As soon as I came to Joeys house I knocked on his door. And then I knocked again. I even shouted his name a couple times. He obviously didn't hear me. I knew something was wrong. Joey always answers the door. I bust in and looked around. I saw the bathroom door closed and light shining. He was in there. I just hope he was going to the bathroom nothing else. I hope he wasn't... No. He would never cut.

I banged on the door. No answer.

Shane: Just open the door!

I heard a gasp and then the door open quickly. There was Joey. His face was drenched with tears and blood.

Joey: Shane! Why...

He didn't finish his sentence because he collapsed into my arms. He had fainted. But why? I looked around his body to see if anything caused him to fall. And then I saw it. New cuts on his right arm. There were about 15. I started crying. Joey was so innocent. I quickly called 911.

911: This is 911 what's your emergency?

Shane: My boyfriend needs help! He's going to die!!

911: Calm down. Please tell us where you live.

I told the person where Joey lived and waited for the ambulance. I couldn't lose Joey. I just couldn't. He means everything to me. My heart belongs to him. If he does my heart will stop without him.

Thanks for reading! Sorry it's so short :( I'm just trying to update as fast as I can!!

Kik: 123chiko

Instagram: pegasisterforlife

Love you all!!

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