Attack On Titan

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- Doctor Strange -
"It was the only way." Gasped Strange at Tony. Looking over the battlefield on Titan, where
Tony's expression made it evident that they had lost.
"Was that your son?" Asked Strange.
Tony only stared at Strange heartbroken before perking back up to a mask of his usual self.
"Can you lord of the rings me home, Gandalf" quipped Tony.
Strange only rolled his eyes and nodded, looking at an angry Nebula, "Do you want me to take you somewhere. Anywhere?"
"No, I'll find him on my own and kill him myself." Growled Nebula before walking off in the direction of the Guardians' Ship.
"Alright then you," said the doctor annoyed at the previous Gandalf comment, "Where do you wanna go?"
"New York, obviously." Snapped Tony.
"I know smart-ass, but where." Responded Strange, having enough of Tony.
"Take me to Stark Tower."
"Alright, then." Said Strange before finally walking up to Tony and preparing to open the portal. He had never noticed how attractive the other man was until he was this close to him. The suit only accentuated it, showing off the man's wonderfully-slim figure. Strange didn't notice how awkwardly long he was staring at the man.
"Are you gonna open the portal, or do I have to put fifty-cents in you?" Quipped Tony
"I'll put my foot right."
"What, Strange." Asked Tony.
'If you weren't so cute I'd leave you here,' thought Strange to himself before pushing Tony through the portal to land on his face. He closed it and sat on a nearby rock. "Goddamnit, why am I so flustered, I hate that man."
"You weren't the only one, there's a reason the man didn't immediately stop you staring at you" Yelled Nebula, walking by Strange as she realized that the ship was the other way. "Go get him, tiger."
Strange stood up and portaled himself back to the wizard sanctum. He slowly walked up the stairs, still entranced by Tony's beauty. He found a chair and sat down, still blissfully trapped in his Dr.Iron fantasies.
"Sorcerer Supreme." Shouted Wong, finally getting the wizard's attention.
"What is something Wrong?" Replied Strange
"You mean besides the billions of humans who died?" Said Wong. "No, not really, you're just really red, and I was worried about you."
Strange felt himself flush even harder.
"It's nothing Wong." Stuttered Strange. "Now I have to go attend to other matters. Goodbye Wong."
Before Wong could respond, Strange had opened a portal and left to some other city where I seemed to be raining.
"Oh boy, I wonder who lover boys new interest is." Chuckled Wong.
    Tony fell flat on the ground of the Stark Tower hard. He got up and walked weakly into the main room. Where all the Avengers used to gather after missions to hang out. Tony's heart ached at the thought of any former avenger disintegrating just as Peter had not too long ago. He poured himself a drink, maintaining his balance behind the bar. Suddenly a bright, rainbow-colored light flashed outside on the helipad. Inside the glow was a tall man supporting a smaller woman in his arms. As the man approached, Tony could see it was Thor helping Natasha into the compound. Tony stared at Thor in horror, where was his husband, Steve?
"Where's Steve." Shouted Tony
"He was taken with the rest." Spoke Thor.
    Tony's heart immediately broke. His husband who he hadn't been able to hold since the Sokovia Accords. The captain whose touch he'd longed for. Gone like that in an instant without a chance to say goodbye or even see him before he went. All Tony could do was drop his head and begin sobbing, having only Natasha and Thor to comfort him.
-Dr. Strange-
    Dr. Strange paced on a rooftop overlooking Time Square. It was chaos, with people having turned to dust just an hours ago. Fires and riots all over the city. Shattered windows and destroyed lives. Dr. Strange wanted to feel bad, but all he could think of was Tony. What was wrong with him. Everyone's lives had just been ruined, and all he could do was think about Stark. That damned Stark, he needed to see him and work this out. Strange couldn't just sit around and think nothing of the trillions whose lives he failed to save. Strange needed to see Tony, the man he knew he wanted more than anything.

A Very Strange Love Story [ Tony Stark x Stephen Strange ]Where stories live. Discover now