Hospice Care

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-Dr. Strange-
    "Stephen!" Tony screeched from his room. Strange sighed heavily, looking at the doorway annoyed. He had just sat down after getting Tony the apple juice he'd been whining for about an hour.
    "What?" yelled Strange.
    "You got me the shitty apple juice!" Yelled Tony.
    "What do you mean? There was only one brand in there!"
    "Which fridge did you get it from?"
    "You have more than one fridge?"
    "Who doesn't?"
    Stephen just rolled his eyes and walked into the hallway, searching every room for another fridge. He walked around, impatiently. But not at the fact that he couldn't find the juice but that he couldn't find a way to get Tony. All Strange wanted was to hold him in his arms and see him smile. Strange had only been there for two days, but his feelings for Tony were growing deeper and stronger. But how was he going to win over the genius? At that moment, a bright light spilled in through the windows. A golden glow with rainbowish details. Strange walked to the main bar area, hands in fists ready for whatever was coming for him. Thor walked down into the bar and looked over to Strange, who was under the doorway into the main hallway.
    "Where is Tony?" Asked the blond.
    "He's resting." Spoke Strange.
    "I'll come back another time, then."
    "Wait!" Shouted Strange on an impulse.
    "What is it?" Thor continued.
Being part of the original six Avengers, Thor should naturally know a lot about Tony. Maybe he could get some info on how to win Tony over. Strange only stared at the man, blushing from the shame of asking. Wong, Strange's best friend, didn't even know about his attraction. Strange felt a blush travel across his whole body.
"Is something wrong with Tony?" Asked Thor concern across his face.
"No, he's fine... well... it is about him." Strange stuttered. "How would one... go about..."
"Oh, you wish to date, Tony?" Asked Thor casually.
"What how could you tell?"
"The captain once came to me with the same look in his eyes."
What they were involved with each other. Strange felt himself grow jealous at the thought of anyone having Tony but him.
"Well, I feel wrong saying so, but Tony does love being complimented on his intelligence and looks." Continued Thor.
"So, I have to feed his ego?" Replied Strange. The idea made his eye twitch, Tony already thought so highly of himself. Nonetheless, his heart skipped a beat at the newfound hope.
"Basically, yes." Answered Thor. "I should actually get going now." He picked up Stormbreaker and began heading toward the helipad outside the room. "Also, keep the beard. It's the man's weakness." Thor smirked before lifting the axe and being carried away by a golden light. Strange blushed even further at the comment, feeling how long his beard had grown. Strange nearly shrieked when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Still can't find the damn fridge?" Spoke Tony, annoyed.
"No." Strange thought for a second. "You should help me find it... you know... since you're so smart."
"Ok... I guess... It's just a fridge, Stephen." Responded Tony confused.
"You know my name?" Asked Strange. He loved hearing the man say his name. Stephen could only hope that he'd find more excuses to say his name.
"Why wouldn't I know the name of the man who is forcibly staying in my home."
"I would imagine it's better than crying on the ground all day."
Tony scowled at him. Stephen only smiled at how cute the shorter man looked when angry. He followed Tony down the hall and into a room, full of food. It looked like a starving man's paradise. Five vending machines against the wall. A round table in the middle. A candy bar against another wall. Three fridges opposite the vending machines and a TV hung on the wall next to the door. Tony opened the refrigerator, took out some apple juice, and sat down on the table motioning for Stephen to sit.
"Do you actually think I'm smart?" Spoke Tony, his eyes gleaming.
Stephen's mind ached at the thought of Thor's advice actually working. But his heart jumped at the idea of finally being able to woo the man.
"Yes. I could tell from the moment I met you." Replied Strange.
Strange noticed Tony turn red from the sincerity in Strange's tone. He looked down at his juice bashfully.
"Well, I guess you're not too dumb either, and your beard is pretty nice too." Said Tony softly.
Strange noticed a shift in the man's demeanor. He went from a cocky billionaire to an adorable little sweetheart who could hardly say anything without turning red. Stephen loved it. All he wanted to do was hold Tony in his arms and make his little feel better. Strange wished they could cuddle all night. And as painful as it was to feed into the man's ego, Stephen continued to do so in hopes of maintaining any kind of progress he seemed to be making.
"You're also not to bad on the eyes either, Tony," Stephen said, walking around the table, getting closer to Tony. He saw the man shrink into himself, he seemed nervous, but Strange could tell that Tony loved it.
"You shouldn't bother with me," spoke Tony.
Strange looked confused at the sudden tone shift.
"Why not?" Stephen asked, concerned.
"I've hurt people before." Said Tony, almost crying.
Strange saw the pain in Tony's eyes. He didn't speak lightly, whatever he was referring to he regretted immensely. Stephen walked around the table and hugged Tony from behind. It felt amazing, wrapping his arms around Tony's shoulders and leaning into him.
"I trust you. Even though you're extremely annoying at times, you're, and I don't know what you've done in the past, but it's apparent that you wouldn't do it again if you're this beat up about it now." Said Stephen, continuing to hold Tony in his arms tightly.
Tony held Stephen arms with his caressing them softly. Strange spoke softly into his ear. It sent shivers down Tony's spine, and Stephen loved the effect he had on Tony.
"I trust you too." Responded Tony, squeezing Strange's arms lovingly.

A Very Strange Love Story [ Tony Stark x Stephen Strange ]Where stories live. Discover now