The Date Knight II

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- Dr. Strange -

Strange and Tony were at the tower, putting on suits for their date at Per Se, and as Pepper and Steve had warned, Tony would not stop talking about it. But seeing Tony so giddy and talkative made his heart melt. The wizard got close to the billionaire fixed his tie, then met his gaze. Strange leaned forward and kissed Tony lovingly, wrapping his arms around the smaller man and pulling him in close.

"Are you ready to go, my prince," Said Strange.

"I'd rather just let you hold me all day," Responded Tony.

"You know you wanna go. You love that place. Plus, I can hold you when we come back home," Said Strange.

Tony kissed Strange, having to stand on his toes to reach the taller man. Strange worried that Tony would be upset with him when realizing their date for two included Steve, Pepper, and Thor: He loved the smaller man with all his heart, having been so lonely before Tony filled the hole in his heart. The kiss broke and looking into Tony's eyes, relieved some of the anxiety Strange was feeling.

"What's wrong, love," Asked Tony.

"Nothing you just captivate me so," Responded Strange. 

It wasn't a complete lie, Tony did captivate me, but Strange knew that if he let on, Tony might cancel the night to help his lover feel better, and Strange knew that Tony needed this closure. Strange would rough through his nerves for his sweet prince.

"I don't blame you," Said Tony, "I'm a gorgeous human being."

"There's, my happy Tony," said Strange, "I missed him."

Strange planted a soft kiss on Tony's forehead.

"Let's go; I don't want to miss our reservation," Said Strange.

Strange walked into the restaurant; Tony wrapped around his upper arm. They walked up to the hostess, and Strange's nerves grew, from here on out Tony would be suspicious.

"Reservation for Strange," asked Strange.

"Five person table is right over there," said the hostess, "Your friends have already arrived.

Strange felt Tony tense up under his arm and looked at him; Tony was staring right at the table where Steve, Pepper, and Thor sat. The wizard put his hand under Tony's jaw and turned the smaller man to face him. 

"Tony, do you trust me," asked Strange.

Tony only nodded at the wizard and intertwined their hands. Strange began walking towards the table, the hard part for him was over, now he had to trust that Steve and Pepper weren't lying to him when they agreed to work things out with Tony. They sat at a table for six, Thor, Pepper, and Steve on the opposite side of where Tony and Strange sat. All except Thor sat in tense silence, the god smiling widely at all his friends. Strange felt Tony squeeze his hand under the table and grew more concerned at how things would go tonight. 

Steve sighed deeply, "Tony, I'm sorry for how I've acted recently, I was hurt, and instead of trying to work things out by speaking to you, I lashed out."

The tension Strange could feel in Tony eased; however, his heart continued pounding at what Pepper might say.

"I'm sorry for lashing out at you as well, Tony," said Pepper.

Strange turned to look at Tony, who looked as if he were about to burst into tears.

"Will you give us another chance?" Said Steve.

"Yes!" Shouted Thor. "I mean, I think you should give them another chance, Tony, they seem rather genuine."

"I'll think about it." Said Tony with a smile.

Pepper and Steve chuckled at Tony. "It's nice to see that you haven't changed."

"I for one, like this new Tony much better." Said Pepper.

The other four simultaneously broke out into laughter, staring at Thor. Strange looked at Tony, his life illuminated by that smile. 'God, I love him so much.' Thought Strange, smiling fondly at the smaller man. The wizard stood up and kneeled next to Tony, feeling his coat pocket, ensuring that he brought the ring. 'This is it, I guess.'

"Tony," said Strange, "I've known you for almost a year now, but in that year I have grown to love you so much. So much so that I am now certain that you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with." Strange pulled the ring out of his coat and opened the box in front of Tony. Thor gasped giddily. "Tony, I love you with all my heart, will you marry me?"

Tony sat there tearing up. " Of course, I will Gandalf."

Strange stood up and pulled Tony towards him, bringing him into a loving kiss and holding him as close to him as possible. Their kiss was only broken by soft crying. Strange looked past Tony's shoulders, still hugging the man to see Thor, sobbing. Steve turned to Thor.

"Are you ok buddy?" Asked Steve.

"Yes," answered Thor, "I'm just so happy that we're all together again."

"Thank you, Thor." Said Strange.

"I love you, Stephen." Said Strange.

"I love you too, Tony." Said Strange, kissing Tony once again. "With all my heart."

*Author Notes*

This is the second to last chapter, btw. We got a wedding chapter coming on friday. Thanks for the support ironstrange homies. I plan on writing some thundershield next so this book shouldn't be the end of me.

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