A Very Strange Couple

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- 6 Month Time Skip   -
- Tony -
Tony awoke early in the morning, a warm feeling on his back accompanied by long exhale that sent tingles down his spine. It was Stephen hugging Tony while they spooned. It was calming and beautiful, he felt his heart melt. Every morning for the past six months was perfect like this. His bliss was interrupted by his love moving behind him.
"Good morning, my prince." Spoke Stephen, his eyes still closed and his words sleepy.
"You seem especially excited today." Said Tony bucking his hips backward. He felt the outline of Strange, it was huge, and Tony loved it.
Stephen blushed completely. The sensation of Tony rubbing up against him one of the best things in the world. However, he had to turn Tony around because looking into his eyes felt even better than that.
"Yeah, I've got a special surprise waiting for you at central park." Winked Stephen at Tony.
"Does it involve donuts because that went terribly last time." Quipped Tony. Stephen laughed: He didn't think Tony was funny, but he loved the joy Tony felt when someone actually laughed at his sly remarks.
As much as it pained him to leave his lover, Stephen got out of the bed and started heading to the bathroom to get ready. Tony grabbed his wrist and looked into Stephen's eyes. "Can't we just stay in bed." Said Tony, missing Strange's touch already.
"As much as I wish we could, we have to adult eventually," Strange said, grabbing Tony's hand and squeezing it. Strange bent down to meet Tony's soft lips. The wizard broke this kiss and pressed his forehead against Tony's, he was beautiful, even in the morning. Strange let go of Tony and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Tony let out a long sigh, missing Strange's touch already. He heard the shower come on and began fantasizing to himself. Not that he hadn't before, but the fact that Strange and he hadn't done much besides make out from time to time. But now, hearing the shower, knowing that Strange was so close yet so far, only frustrated Tony even more. The water cut off and Tony snapped out of his fantasy. That is until Strange came out only wearing a towel right below his skinny, toned body.
"I forgot that I didn't have any clothes." Strange looked at Tony oblivious to the lust the genius felt.
"You can borrow anything in the closet back there," Tony said, pointing to the walk-in closet located across the bed through an open doorway. Strange walked to the walk in closet, being eyed down by Tony the entire way there. He waited for Strange to close the door before getting up and into the bathroom. Lest Strange see how... excited Tony was to see him in only a towel. Tony walked into the bathroom, got undressed, and went into the shower. He turned on the cold water to ease his suffering, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the idea of Strange on top him out of his head. Tony got out of the shower and walked into the walk-in closet.
When he finished getting dressed, he walked out of the closet to see Strange sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for him. Tony got closer to Strange, eyeing him down.
"Ready to go?" Asked Strange.
'God, yes, I'm ready to go.' Thought Tony, pushing Strange onto his back and straddling him. He kissed the wizard passionately and heavy with lust. Tony pulled back from Strange, looking down at how beautiful the man was. Tony had never wanted anyone as much as he wished to Strange, not even Pepper or Steve ever made him feel this way. Tony wanted Strange, and he wanted him now.
Strange sat up and held Tony at his waist, looking up at him.
"Alright then, let's go." Said Strange, as oblivious as ever to his effect on Tony.
"Great." Said Tony pained at how bad Strange was at reading his signals.
Central Park     -
    Tony sat next to Strange at Central Park over a blanket. Strange had set up two picnic baskets. Croissants, cupcakes, and cheesecake he had bought from a downtown bakery in the larger of the two. The other basket was open, its contents spilled out onto the iron man blanket: Sandwiches of all varieties.
    "Where did this blanket come from." Asked the billionaire.
    "I found it in the sanctum." Responded Strange, blushing. He didn't want Tony to know that he had bought it as a way to remember Tony when he was at the sanctum. Strange bit into a sandwich and looked down to hide his face. When he looked up, he met Tony's eyes, along with a shit eating grin on his face. "What it's the truth!" Strange spoke defensively, blushing even harder.
    "Alright, then Gandalf, whatever you say." Tony leaned backward into Strange's chest. The taller man simply uncrossed his legs and held him with his arms. Tony looked up at the wizard, who was still blushing profusely. Strange couldn't even look down into Tony's beautiful eyes, as much as he wanted to.
    "You know you're adorable when you get all flustered, don't you?" Quipped Tony.
    "I have no idea what you're talking about." Responded Strange, blushing even harder. Tony wanted more so he got up, turned around, so he was sitting in Strange's lap facing him.
    "Really?" Tony asked, placing both his hands on the wizard's thighs. "No clue whatsoever?" He squeezed Strange's thighs hard, eliciting a gasp from the wizard. Tony's hands travelled higher, squeezing tighter. Strange put his hands over Tony's, barely able to handle himself. The wizard looked into Tony's eyes finally, fantasizing about all the things he wanted to do to him.
    "Stop, I don't know if I can handle myself." Spoke Strange, his breath short.
    "I don't want you to handle yourself." Spoke Tony, not breaking eye contact. "I wanna handle you." He moved one of his hands farther up, grabbing Strange's crotch.
    "Not here." Spoke Strange finally breaking his composure. "Let's go to the tower." Strange stood up, holding Tony's thighs and looking up at him. "I'll get the rest of this later." The wizard opened a portal to the avenger's common area, slamming Tony down on a couch and entering a scorching kiss. Tony was about to unbutton his shirt when a voice scared both of them.
    "Hello, my friends, I've been looking for you!" Spoke Thor in a booming voice. The blond walked in front of the couch and looked down at them. "I just came to check on Tony, make sure he isn't crying as much anymore." All Strange could do was stare at Thor. 'Is he this dumb, or does he just not care' the wizard thought to himself.
Meanwhile, all Tony thought about was Thor leaving so he could have what he's been waiting on for half a year. "Well, you seem to be doing just fine, so I'll be on my way. Goodbye, lovebirds, don't break each other." Thor picked up stormbreaker and left on the bifrost.
    "I should get going too." Spoke Strange, the heat having left his eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow.' He kissed Tony on the forehead, got up, and went through a portal.
    Tony just took a long sigh, staring at the ceiling. "What the fuck, Thor."

A Very Strange Love Story [ Tony Stark x Stephen Strange ]Where stories live. Discover now