A Very Strange Wedding

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*Warning* The end of this chapter does get steamy. I'll warn right when it is about to start and will indicate when it is over. Thanks for reading!

- Tony -

Steve adjusted Tony's tie, the billionaire clearly nervous. Tony was in a blood red suit, with a grey tie, and a white dress undershirt. It was the morning of the wedding, and Tony hadn't seen Strange, which was only adding to his nerves. Steve, as Tony's best man, was spending the day at the tower helping the billionaire with his nerves and getting dressed. As Steve adjusted Tony's collar, the smaller man began shaking his leg and looking around the room anxiously.

"Calm down Tony, It's gonna be fine." Said Steve.

"What if, when we get there, he regrets this and cancels the wedding." Asked Tony.

Steve held Tony's shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

"Tony, look at me, you know Strange loves you and wants nothing but to spend the rest of his life with you. He wouldn't have taken the effort to fix our relationship for you if he didn't love you." Said Steve.

Tony looked at Steve, thankful to have such a good friend back in his life.

"Thank you, Steve, for helping me out today. Plus," Said Tony looking to the mirror and holding his tie, "Who could deny a man dressed in a suit this good."

"I missed your obnoxious ass." Said Steve.

"I missed America's ass." Said Tony, eliciting a groan from Steve

"Shut up. The car's almost here, isn't it? Let's go." Said Steve, trying to hide a grin.

- Dr. Strange -

Thor held Stephen's arm and helped him button his sleeves up. Strange was dressed in a grey suit, a blood red tie, and a white dress shirt underneath. The wizard was also immensely nervous, wondering if he should call it off before Tony stands him up.

"Calm down, wizard," Said Thor, "It's natural to be nervous before marrying someone, but what could go wrong, really?"

"What if he regrets saying yes and stands me up." Responded Strange.

"Tony loves you, wizard, he thinks about you all the time." Spoke Thor. "And when you're not around, he talks about you more than that damn restaurant. You will get to see Tony walking down the aisle today, and you'll have a wonderful wedding."

"Did I ever thank you for helping me win over Tony?" Asked Strange. "No, you didn't." Said Thor, grinning proudly.

"Well, thank you for that, and helping me right now." Said Strange.

"No problem friend," Said Thor, "Now let's go, we wouldn't want to be late now, would we?"

- The Wedding -

It was a small wedding, only having the Avengers in attendance, but was breathtaking nonetheless. Strange was at the altar, anxiety peaking at the idea of Tony not arriving. The wizard's nerves eased, and heart fluttered when he saw Tony walking down the aisle, holding onto Steve's bicep. 'I'll never get tired of this. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen.' Though Strange.

"Welcome all to this wondrous union of two souls. The marking of the beginning of the best part of the lives of these two." Said the priest. "Now, if no one has anything they'd like to say, then the groom may now say his vows."

Strange began, "Tony, ever since the day we met, no matter how you frustrated the hell out of me, I always saw your beauty. Eventually, I found out that your grace went farther than just your appearance, you have a beautiful heart and soul, and I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone but you. Tony Stark, I love you with all my heart."

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