the one with the hot tub/S

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i got the idea when i was reading a gwilym smut shot (love that) although the one shot had absolutely NOTHING to do with what i am writing I'm going to write it anyway bcs i got the idea

warnings: smut obviously, the lovely thrill of being caught, blowjobs

also I'm doing this one in joe's point of view

it was fall, late september to be precise. to celebrate the end of the bohemian rhapsody filming, my wonderful boyfriend, ben, decided to treat some of the cast to a get-away sort of thing at a cabin resort. (some of the cast including me (obviously) gwil, rami, and lucy.)

we all stepped into the cabin and took in our surroundings. "wow," i whispered in amazement, "you really outdid yourself babe." i wrapped one of my arms around ben's waist pulling him closer to me. he looked down blushing, "it's nothing, really, just wanted to treat some of my friends."

we all split up to claim our rooms, all agreeing ben should have the biggest, me joining him of course.  i set down my bags and walked to the window, letting a bit of morning light in. i silently gasped at the view. "babe, come here." i turned around to grab ben's hand as he was walking closer to me. i spun us around so he was standing in front of the window, i wrapped my arms around his waist slightly swaying us. "i picked good, didn't i?" he asked, craning his neck back to look at me. i laughed lightly, "yes ben, very well." he giggled with me and kissed me lightly.

i pulled back smiling contentedly, "let's go check out the rest of the place." ben turned around in my arms and gave me a tight hug, "i love you." he spoke, "i love you too." i kissed his nose lightly. "okay now let's go, i was a promised a hot tub."


it was now later at night, the sun had set about 45 minutes ago so it was completely dark outside. everyone already had their turns in the hot tub, lucy, gwil and rami all going at once, then just gwil and rami at one point. ben and i have yet to have our turn, opting to lounge around and cuddle. we had just finished watching Avatar (the one with the blue people) when ben popped his head up from where it was resting on the couch. "do you wanna go in the hot tub now?" he asked quietly, almost if it was some secret. i laughed lightly at his childishness, "yeah, okay, let's go change." 

he threw the blanket off us and practically sprinted up the stairs to our bedroom. i followed behind him at a much slower pace and by the time i reached the top of the stairs he was already fully ready, going to the bathroom to get a towel. "hurry up joe, i wanna go before it gets too late!" he grabbed a towel from the linen closet and went back to sit on our bed. "okay! i'm getting there."

i stripped down completely to my boxers and turned to see ben biting his bottom lip, "like what you see?" i asked, taking off my boxers and putting on my swim trunks. he swallowed thickly, "yes." he spoke barely above a whisper. "we're getting in the hot tub, remember?" i asked condescendingly. he looked down with a blush on his cheeks he mumbled something under his breath i couldn't make out.

we made our way down to the hot tub, ben under my arm as we walked. "and here we are." ben wiggled out from under my arm and walked to the hot tub. he bent over to dip his hand in the water, giving me a perfect view of his ass. "so, is the water nice?" i asked walking closer to him. ben hummed lightly and sat down on the part of the hot tub with no seats, submerging himself completely in water up to his shoulders. he let out a groan of relief, a small smile on his face. "i'll take that as a yes." i said, sitting one of the seats.

ben pulled himself over to me under the water, sitting himself between my legs. he leaned forward and kissed my belly. "what are you doing?" i asked, letting out a breathy laugh. ben said nothing and continued to place kisses on my belly, going a bit lower each time. i grabbed his chin and forced his head upwards to look at me, his face lightly flustered, eyes full of lust. "what are you doing?" i repeated. "well, i was going to suck you off, but since you won't let me i guess i won-" i cut him off quickly, "you're going to drown yourself." i spoke, moving to one of the seats meant for smaller kids, so i was a bit higher out of the water. now only about half of my thighs were in the water, "now i have no objections." i smirked through my words, ben bit his lip and smiled, repositioning himself between my legs again. he undid the button on my shorts and pulled my cock out of my swim trunks.

he brought his hand up to pump me to full hardness, i hitched my breath and looked down at him. his eyes shot up to mine as he kissed the tip of my length, i let out a breathy moan. he smirked up to me, enjoying the sounds i was making. he put the head in his mouth and licked my slit, i tangled my hand in his slightly damp hair and tugged lightly. his tongue swirled around the tip sucking lightly. i bit my lip as to not let a moan slip out. his head lurched down and he took half of me his mouth. i bucked my hips up into his mouth and let out a small moan. he pushed my hips back down and took a little more into his mouth. he started slowly bobbing his head up and down on my cock, occasionally swirling his tongue around. he hollowed his cheeks and sucked hard, flicking his tongue over my slit, i threw my head back and let out a moan, gripping his hair a bit tighter. he moaned around my length, the vibrations causing me to buck my hips up into his mouth.

i moved my foot in-between ben's legs and started rubbing against his dick, drawing out a moan from him. he jerked his hips up and completely forgot what he was doing with his mouth, i gave his hair a slight tug and he went back to sucking me off.

i heard voices getting closer, i looked up to the sliding glass door leading to the house and saw gwilym standing in front of it. he had his back turned to he door itself and was talking to someone inside the house. he put his hand on the handle, still wrapped up in his conversation.

i looked down to ben. "don't breathe in." i said simply, pushing his head all the way down on my cock and shifted to the deeper part of the hot tub. ben was now completely in the water, the water going up to my bellybutton. gwilym walked out the door a few steps before stopping. "wasn't ben down here with you?" he asked, putting his hands on his hips. i pushed harder on ben's length causing him to moan around me. i kept strong and didn't buck my hips up into him. "he went inside a little bit ago, not sure where." i moved my foot faster against ben. he tried to pull his head up from under the water causing me to push his head down harder into my length. i coughed in place of a moan when he gagged and swallowed around me.

ben gripped my thighs like it was his life source and i pressed harder on his length, not stopping the movements, causing  him to moan on my cock again. "why do you wanna know?" i asked, showing no signs of what was going on underneath the water. ben tried to pull his head up again, i gripped his hair tighter and pushed him down again, stopping my foot movements. he whimpered at the loss of contact and swirled his tongue around me.

"oh, nothing really," i pushed my foot against ben again and he bucked his hips into my touch. "i just wanted to know if he wanted to watch a movie or something." ben sucked harder on my length causing me to breathe in deeply. "okay well, you can check inside." i spoke, ben whined around me again and gripped my thighs tighter. i could feel him tense, drawing closer to his release. he tongued at my slit and sucked harder. i coughed again to conceal a moan and felt him release under me. he moaned around my cock and gagged again.

"okay, cheers." he said heading back inside. ben swirled his tongue around me again, i gripped his hair tight and came into his mouth. he moaned around me continuing to work until i was completely milked of cum.

i pulled him up out of the water by his hair, he was taking deep breaths trying to catch his breath. i pulled his face up by his chin to look at me. his face was flushed and he looked completely fucked out and beautiful. "are you okay?" i asked, going down to his level and wrapping my arms around him. he leaned back in my touch and nodded, "yeah, I'm okay." he said, his voice slightly scratchy. i bent my head down to kiss his neck.

"thank you, that was amazing." i spoke, standing up out of the water. i held a hand out to him, pulling him up. "i love you." he said now standing with me. "i love you too." 

we went back up to our room and changed into our night clothes slipping into bed. we soon fell asleep in each others arms.


also lightly proof-read. its almost 1 am and I'm tired so sorry for any mistakes yeehaw

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