the one i don't have a title for / F

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this ones just sort and fluffy! i had this idea wright before i fell asleep last night and wanted to right it asap.

ben and joe had been seeing each other for a couple weeks now. nobody knew about it except for them, none of the cast or crew of bohemian rhapsody, neither of their parents. they were always sneaking around set, they shot each other looks of love when nobody was paying attention. the quick kisses before the day started, etc.

most nights, ben stays in joe's room and sneaks back to his early in the morning so nobody suspects anything.

it was early in the morning, they were both laying in bed in their pajamas, breathing softly. ben's head was on joe's chest as the morning light seeped through the curtains. they always made sure to wake up at least two hours before shooting starts so they could spend time and have breakfast together.

so it was six am and they were sat on the bed of joe's hotel room eating chocolate chip pancakes that room service brought up. joe's laptop was open in front of them as they watched Grey's Anatomy.  the duvet was thrown carelessly over their shoulders as they were huddled together, their knees touching in the slightest just so they could be near each other.

they were finished with breakfast as the episode they were watching ended. by now it was seven am and they were getting ready to leave for set. by getting ready i mean them making out on the bed as they were dressed for the day. they were interrupted by a knock on the door, "hey joe! its gwilym!" they both pulled away panicked. ben looked down at joe, "what do we do?!" he whisper-shouted. joe looked around frantically and sat up, "uh, just lay down on the floor next to the bed and be still."

"joe? wake up mate!" joe shot ben a look to make sure he was where he should be before opening the door. joe poked his head out the door, not really pushing what portion of the room gwil could see. "hey gwil, what do you need?" joe asked quickly, wanting this to be over as soon as possible. gwil looked confused as to why joe was being so jumpy but brushed it off as tiredness. "i was asking you if you wanted to come to breakfast with me rami and lucy? i was going to ask ben as well but i can't seem to find him." joe had to hold back a laugh at that. "no thanks i'm good, but i'll let you know if i find ben." gwilym and joe said their goodbyes as he shut the door and walked down the hall.

he waited a minute before getting ben from where he was laying on the ground. "i'm sorry for making you lay on the floor." ben just chuckled and pulled him in for a soft kiss. "okay we should probably get ready to go, shooting starts in a bit."

it had been a couple weeks after the incident and they were getting a little careless as to what they did and where they did it. like the ass slapping in the I Want To Break Free scene. still, surprisingly nobody suspected anything.

lunchtime rolled around, the main cast were sat at a picnic table set up specifically for lunch. this was one of the days roger and brian decided to visit set, so they were not too far from their picnic table, sitting at their own.  joe and ben sat across from each other, joe sat next to lucy, lucy was across from gwil. gwil was in-between ben and rami.

they were all making small talk, but eating semi-quickly as to get back to shooting. ben and joe had their legs linked together under the table as they were eating. ben was the first to finish, he pulled away from joe under the table and went to stand up. "i'm going to go get my wig fixed before we get back to it, it feels funny on my head." ben stood up and without even thinking leaned down to place a quick kiss to joe's lips. joe must've forgotten where they were as well as he kissed him back and smiled softly.

the rest of the two tables looked at the two in astonishment. rami spit out his drink and was coughing furiously, gwilym looked up at them suddenly realizing he was a moron. lucy just had the biggest smile on her face. and over at the other table roger and brian were laughing hysterically, secretly knowing the whole time.

by the time the two pulled away they realized what had just happened, saying a simultaneous 'oh fuck'. gwilym was the first to ask. "so that one time when i was looking for ben to go out to breakfast..." he trailed off looking at the two. they nodded slightly, "THAT LONG?! OH MY GOD!"

roger and brian were losing their shit at this point, leaning onto the table for support. everyone looked over at them with confused looks on their faces. "see! i told you they were a thing!" roger shouted. everyone laughed with them. ben leant down in joe's ear, "okay but seriously I've gotta go get this thing fixed, babe." joe pressed a kiss to his cheek as he walked off.

gwilym looked back to him, "so that one time the bathroom door was locked and we couldn't find either of you? or that one time when i saw ben coming out of your room at seven in the morning?"

not edited just sum fluff i wanted to write

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