get blazed y'all/F

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okay so this one heavily relies on the use of the devils lettuce (cannibis) so if ur sensitive to drug themes maybe don't read this??

(the request asked for smut but i don't like to write smut with non-sober characters!!)

warnings: drugs, fluff uwu

ben was laid back on the sofa, the living room smoggy with the smoke coming from the blunt placed in the ashtray on the coffee table. this was his way of relaxing after a long day, getting high and mindlessly scrolling through his instagram feed or watching whatever was on the television.

joe didn't mind it all too much, the smell wasn't that bad anyway. but when he was arriving to their shared apartment and he could smell it from the elevator, okay yeah, maybe they would have a slight problem with their landlord.

joe unlocked the door and took a step in, placing his keys in the mis-used fruit bowl next to the door. ben was on the couch, staring up to the ceiling before turning his head to look at joe. his face lit up and he was stood-up and had pulled joe into a hug within a matter of seconds. the thing joe loved about ben getting high? he was always so clingy and affectionate.

"benny, i love you, but you gotta remember to stuff the door or we'll be out on the street." ben nodded against joe's shoulder as he pulled him closer, breathing in his scent. "mmm, you smell fruity." joe chuckled and shuffled over to the couch, ben still latched on to him.

"was that a gay joke or do i really smell like fruit?" ben had situated them so joe was underneath his body and he had his head laid on his boyfriends chest. "both." ben said softly, the smallest of smiles playing on his lips.

joe brought his hand up to play with ben's hair, he hummed softly in response. "d'ya wanna try some?" ben lifted his head up from joe's chest to grab the blunt from the ashtray. "god ben, i haven't smoked pot since my teens. i'd probably pass out." ben chuckled and took a hit.

"you can use me as your filter." his voice was a bit deeper as he held the smoke in his lungs. he breathed out with a cough and looked at joe. joe was looking at him like he was absolutely insane, "what do you mean?" ben rolled his eyes. "okay just breathe in."

joe was about to ask what he meant, ben took another quick drag and cupped joe's face with his hand. he brushed their lips together and blew the smoke into the gingers mouth. he breathed it all in and pulled his face back to breathe it out. he started coughing and leaned his head on ben's shoulder.

his breathing soon calmed and he started taking hits off the blunt itself not using ben as a filter. (although he throughly enjoyed it)

twenty minutes later and joe was blazed out of his mind. "babe," ben hummed in response. "if you buy a bigger bed, you have more bed room but less bedroom." the blonde looked over at him, "joe?" he turned his head in acknowledgment. "shut the hell up." joe doubled over in laughter.

ben pulled him up to his chest, "joey, shhh, it's not that funny." he smiled and cuddled closer to his boyfriends chest.

joe started placing kisses to ben's neck and jaw, his breath hitching when joe reached his sweet spot and began lightly sucking. "oi, don't st-start something you can't finish." ben's arms were tightly wrapped around his waist, pulling him into his lap.

joe had a leg on either side of ben's thighs, sitting slightly above his knees. "joe, in your condition, i really don't think you could fuck me right now." joe pouted and fell back on the couch. he reached for the remote on the table and pulled up netflix. "if i apparently can't fuck you right now can i at least have cuddles?" he put on an exaggerated pout and held his arms out.

ben got up to get a blanket, he sat back on the couch and pulled joe into his chest and laid back.

they fell asleep watching old Family Guy episodes on Hulu.

jus a short request i wanted to fill out, its three am so not edited. point out mistakes if you see em.

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