Replaceable/ A, slight F

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god okay y'all im really high right now and one of y'all challenged me to write like this so if this isn't that great im sorry hhhh. ill rewrite it later.

(still a lil high but lets push through)

it was something stupid, almost always was. minute things like leaving one sip of milk left, or not taking out the garbage when it was full.

it was like that again, they couldn't even remember what they were fighting about anymore. it had escalated quickly though. they both started digging up past dirt.

"god, ben, i don't even know why i even bother anymore! it's like you don't even care about this relationship." joe's eyes were rimmed with tears, but he was too stubborn to let them fall. joe hated the yelling, he tried not to do it. when ben started yelling, though, he could never get a word in.

the tears were from frustration, anger, a hint of sadness.

"I don't care about this relationship?! you never listen to me, or what i need!" ben's voice had raised a slight bit more. "i give you everything you need, ben! if i cant i try my best to compensate!"

ben scoffed, "you're kidding me right? you don't do anything unique! everything you do is so cliché, like out of a book or something! you're so replaceable!"

the kitchen fell silent, tears now streaming down joe's cheeks. he took a deep breath in and nodded, "okay." it was spoken almost silently. ben's face fell when he realized what he had said. "joey-" joe walked out of the kitchen, slipping his shoes on quickly and finding his wallet. "don't, ben."

he grabbed his keys and took the house key off the rest of them, he let it drop to the ground and he walked out of the house.

upon hearing the door shut ben walked to the living room to look out the window, joe's car was gone. he started looking for his phone. he found it discarded on the couch, he frantically searched for joe's contact before calling him. "joey, baby please, please pick up." he heard ringing coming from the kitchen and threw his phone to the ground.

joe was driving aimlessly, he didn't know where he was going, if he was even going back home ever again.

he was driving for thirty minutes before realizing where he was going. he had drove himself to their spot, they found it right after moving to LA.

"you should just listen to me on where to turn next time so we don't get lost like this again." joe chuckled and sat up in his seat. "babe! exploration time." ben started heading towards a clearing through the trees.

joe was gripping the handle above the door until his knuckles turned white. the bumpy backroads throwing him all about the passengers side seat. "oh i totally shouldn't have let you drive." they drove out of the shallow-woods to a beautiful spot.

ben parked the car and took they keys out of the ignition. he opened the door and fell out of the car. he peeked his head up to look at joe who was leaning over the centre console to make sure he was alright. "watch your step." he had a huge smile on his face.

joe stepped out of the car and walked out into the clearing. it was average size, a tree sat in the middle surrounded by grass and wild strawberries. he looked back at ben to see him leaning into the backseat, putting frankie on her leash.

joe ventured farther out, he came to the end of the clearing when there was no more ground to walk. he was staring out at the ocean, gleaming blue with the help of the sun.

ben came up and wrapped his arms around joe's waist, frankie circled around them to sit in front of joe. "i think im claiming this as our spot." he started pressing kisses to joes neck while he giggled.

joe snapped himself out of this thought, he turned around the car and started heading towards a bar. 'you're too cliché, joe.'

ben opted to go on foot. why? he doesn't quite know either. he went to their spot, no joe. he called around to a couple of friends to see if they had seen them, no luck there either.

it was about one am by the time ben made it home. he shrugged off his jacket and sat on the couch. he decided to head up to bed and hope joe would come home.

ben woke up to the door opening and closing downstairs, he glanced over to the clock.


he sprung out of the bed and rushed downstairs, joe was taking off his shoes and fell down in the process. a loud thump sounding through the house. ben sighed and went over to help. "joe-" he stopped smelling the alcohol on his boyfriend. "did you drive home drunk?" joe grunted and kicked away bens hand.

"why do you care? im so replaceable right? you could find another one of me super easily." tears were cascading freely down his face as he took off his shoes. ben grabbed his face and looked into his eyes. "joe please listen to me, i am so sorry. god im sorry, im such an idiot and i didn't mean it, i realized it the second the words left my mouth. you put yourself in danger because i was an idiot and im so sorry. if anything happened to you i don't know what i would do." he pressed a light kiss to joe's forehead and pulled him close.

"i won't hurt you ever again, i promise." joe wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him close. he buried his face in ben's neck and breathed in deeply. ben could feel the tears soaking his shirt, but honestly he could care less.

joe pulled back and looked up at ben. "You cant promise that." Joe stared down to his hands on his lap. Ben took his boyfriends hands in his own, "except I can."

"Can you please believe me when I tell you I love you, I love you so so much." Joe nodded and leaned into ben again. "I love you too."

Joe ended up falling asleep in ben's arms, leaving the younger man to carry him to their shared bed. He laid him down and snuggled into his chest, he pressed a kiss to his neck. "I love you, Joey."

Y'all I am so sorry, I've literally been so depressed for days now and I can't do anything about it and I'm sorry for all the non frequent updates. Because god I can't even bring myself to eat anymore I'm just sorry!! :) I love y'all though. 😙😙

Also not edited sorry

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