"Linnea!" I turn as I walked down the hallway to see my best friend Kida running trying to catch up to me. I decided to be nice and stop to wait for her. Once she finally catches up to me she's out of breath. Out of the two of use she is considered the good looking one. She had thin blond hair the comes a little passed her shoulders, dark brown eyes, and is about 5'5. My eyes are brown like hers, but mine are a little lighter. Aside from our eyes we aren't much alike physically. I have long, very loose, curly brown hair and I'm 5'2.
"Hey Kida, how are you this morning? I ask.
"I'm good, tired, but good. You?"
"Same I feel kind of weird though," I confided. Her eye thin eyebrows knit together in confusion.
"Hey Lin!" say a couple girl in unison as they walk past. I smile and wave at them both and keep walking.
"Are you worried about the test tomorrow?" Kida suggests.
"Yeah maybe that's it," I say as we both walk into the classroom and take our seats. Mrs. McLone walked up to the front of the classroom and rings the bell to get our attention.
"As most of you probably know The Test is tomorrow and the Board has asked me to go over some things about it so you may be prepared. First off the test was created not long after we found salvation here. It was created to insure peace and eliminate risks. Which most if not all of you will have nothing to worry about," she says smiling at me.
"The test is a simple simulation to test your reaction to different situations. I can't tell you what you will see in the simulation because it may differ per person. So don't bother asking. If for some reason you do not pass The Test you will be banished... to the Outlands. Any question before we begin with today's lesson?" She finishes and looks around the classroom.
No hands shoot up so she starts droning on about some short story we finished reading yesterday. Not too far into class Kida's hand raises and she asks if she can use the restroom. Mrs. McLone rolls her eyes and reluctantly grants her permission.
I look at the on the clock hanging on the wall above Mrs. McLone's desk and notice that Kida has been gone for 6 minutes which is very unusual. Normally she is there in back I'm 2 maybe 3 if she decides to take her time coming back. I raise my hand hoping to catch Mrs. McLone's attention.
"Yes Linnea?" she asks with a textbook in her hands, a long brown skirt, a dirty white shirt. Her glasses sit on the bridge of her nose as she looks at me.
"May I be go to the restroom I'm not feeling very well?"
"Of course and if you see Kida tell her to hurry back."
"Will do," I say standing up and heading out the door. I begin my walk down the hallway I turn the corner and see Kida on the ground hugging her knees looking like she's about to cry while Devan and his group of misfits surround her. As I come closer I can see a red hand print on the side of her face. I should go get a guard or a teacher that's what I'm supposed to do according to the rules, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to. I'm sick of Devan and the way he treats people. Devan and his buddies are always making fun of or talking down people, but they've never hit anyone as far as I knew. Regardless, I refuse to ignore it this time.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell at him just quite enough so no one else could hear.
"She deserves it and stay out of this goody-two-shoes unless you want to get ruffed up too." That was the final straw Devan and his band of idiots has bullied me and Kida ever since we were kids. So, without a second thought I slam my fist into his jaw and he stumbles back into the opposite wall. I grab Kida's hand and try to bolt form the scene but, Devan wasted no time regaining his balance. Within seconds I felt a hand clasp my wrist pulling me back; then I'm forced up against the wall with Devan's hand clamped around my neck. His wolfish eyes bore into mine.
"You're brave I'll give you that," His hawk like nose brushes against my ear as he whispers then he raises his fist ready to hit me. I hear Kida yell for him to stop from my right, but it was to no avail.
"Wait!" I squeal and his fist comes to a halt.
"What?" he roared.
"Who do you think they're going to believe? I hardly left a mark you," I say looking over at Kida who is being held back by Devan's two other buddies;"If you hit me they'll banish you before you can even say your own name. You really wanna take that chance?" I say starring into his dull, grey, remorseless eyes which are almost covered up by a few strands of his black greasy hair.
"You're bluffing," he states, but he doesn't raise his again fist either. He wasn't entirely sure if I was bluffing and I wasn't either if I'm being honest.
"Are you really willing to find out?" I say trying to keep my voice from wavering. We stand in silence and it's getting harder for me to breathe by the second with his hand still firmly around my neck.
"Fine, but next time I might be willing to take that chance. Watch yourself princess," He warns removing his giant hand from my neck making me fall to the ground gasping for air; as he walks off he motioned for his three friends follow. Like the dogs they Let Kida go and do as commanded. She takes no time rushing to my side.
"Are you okay?" She asks frantically. I nod in response while still trying to catch my breath.
"Are you?" I ask inquire once I can finally breathe again. I lift her head up to see if the red mark was still there. It was, but faintly. "Take your hair down and keep your head down; no one should notice. How does my neck look?"
"It's really red. Hopefully, could doesn't end up bruising later," I zip up my grey jacket all the way. Luckily for me the collar on my jacket came up all the way around my neck.
"I can't believe you did that. You could have gotten killed! Hell, you could have gotten banished!" she exclaims.
"You're my best friend and someone needed to do it. He can't keep treating people like that. Now come on let's get back to class." I try to reassure Kida with a smile. She forces a small smile and helps me to my feet.