Scene 2 Take 1

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The month following the departure of Girl Meets World went by horribly slow; torturing, even.
     My life essentially took a turn for the worst following suit after the end of Riley Matthews and all her adventures. It soon became extremely difficult for me to land a role for reasons unclear to me and my team. They explained it to me as 'being the underdog', which I found strange considering as I was the main character of the show. But nevertheless it proved to be true as time passed, as Sabrina somehow became the lead of the whole series (including a fan favorite) and became recognized as the star of the show.

I really wanted to hate her for that, I really did.

Unlike me, Sabrina enjoyed the masses of success off Girl Meets World and shortly signed a termination contract in order to be released from Disney. I, unfortunately, wasn't able to receive that kind of luxury quite yet; I was barely clinging onto my career as it is.
So here I was, anxiously awaiting inside the lobby of my agency as a result of a text from my agent, Amanda, stating, 'Meet me at the office ASAP! We have major details to discuss'. I sigh, running a hand through my hair as I reread the text for probably the 20th time. What kind of matter was so urgent that I had to cancel my plans for the 3rd time this week? Not like I had anything better to do with my acting career basically being over.

I hear the landline in the lobby ring before the receptionist quickly answers the call.

"Okay, I'll tell her to come up, Ma'am. No problem. Bye." She places the phone back in it's place as she turns her rolling chair back around behind the desk.

"Rowan Blanchard? Amanda's ready to see you."

"Finally." I quickly pick my feet up as I straighten my clothes. Satisfied with my reflection on the entrance lobby's window, I head over to the elevator near the receptionist's desk. I don't make it too far until I hear a voice call out my name from behind me.

"Rowan, by the way, I'm a huge fan of your work." I turn my head around as I give the receptionist a warm smile.

"Well that's a first." I turn on my heel and make my way to the elevator. I press the 'up' button as I look up to see the elevator's red neon lights displaying the number '32'. I groan, pulling off my heels as I locate the flight of stairs in the lobby. I approach the receptionist, making eye contact with her as she looks down at me and back to the pair of heels in my hand.

"You can have these, You're welcome." I place my heels on the desk as she hesitantly mumbles a 'thanks', her voice filled with confusion. I nod at her, running over to the stairs as I groggily make my way through the endless flights of stairs.
After what seems like forever, I drag my feet up to the 20th floor as my body tumbles to the marble floor in agony. I tiredly laugh at the loud 'thump' sound my body makes as it makes impact with my exhausted muscles. I hear a door creak open nearby, followed by a worried voice.

"Oh my God, Rowan! Are you okay?!" The person's footsteps get louder until I feel cold hands drag my body against the wall, sitting me up.

"I'm all good, Amanda. No need to protect me this time," I tease, giggling at her concerned expression. "Sometimes I wonder if you have a crush on me, jeez."

"Who has a crush on you?" I hear a distant voice shout, echoing across the narrow hallway. A well-toned figure appears from the threshold of the stairway, making their way beside Amanda.

"I swear, Adam, I think your girlfriend is obsessed with me." Adam lets out a exaggerated gasp, quickly standing up. Amanda is quick to smack me upside the head, resulting in me letting out an embarrassing yelp.

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