Scene 5 Take 3

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The rest goes by in a blur once I reluctantly detach my lips from her own, gaining a new found appreciation for her freckled face, pinkish lips, and her crystalline, piercing blue-green hued eyes. She tears her gaze away from me sheepishly, looking up with sudden embarrassment. I follow her line of sight as I find Amanda with a widened eyes and a slack jaw, giving a hesitant thumbs up as she ends the stream.

I think to myself for a few seconds, suddenly terrified of the thoughts that were foregoing through my mind once I realized the sweet relief of kissing the sweet lips that belonged to my former childhood rival.
I realized, I wanted to kiss her until the world stopped spinning. And I began to wonder if, deep down, she felt the same.




     They're locking me in a cold cell.

     I'm lying on the floor, cold cement crushed beneath my cheek, and I'm staring at a masked figure at a very uncomfortable angle, neck straining.
     As if on cue, a streak of light barely highlights their most prominent feature; a nauseating, stomach-churring grin plastered  on their face that's unique to them and the Joker, teeth distorting from one ear to the other. The key to the cell is clasped in one gnarled hand, their claws trailing against the frayed exterior of the indistinguishable chamber as the cloaked figure mimics the sound of a chill-sending screech against it. As much as I desperately attempted to cover my ears, my body was as rigid as the metal bars confining me, and I suddenly felt as though I were a caged circus animal awaiting the fate they were condemned to.
     In an instant, my body maneuvers unwillingly into intricate sequences as I begin to strike a strong semblance to a stringed puppet; at the will of a higher being. I watch impotently as the merciless figure pinches the handle of the key above their gaping mouth, before releasing the metal into the bottomless abyss of their stomach with a grotesque gulping sound to finish. Their maniacal glare trains itself back onto my uncontrollable body as that massive mouth creaks open once more.




     Their lips chant on, the half-screech spilling from their mouth eliciting a hair-rising sensation from head to toe. They lick their lips as they prepare for the finishing act, but the voice that comes out its unlike their previous antics; instead a soothing, silky voice eases my mind, and my body responds by letting itself into an unwinding repose. With eyes fluttered shut, I hear their words once more,


     A jolt shakes me awake. I lift my head wearily, attempting to focus on a silhouette shadowing my view; my mind still fuzzy and disoriented.

"Hmmph?" I hum drowsily to the..surprisingly toned figure on my bed? I rub my eyes hastily at the realization while praying on everything that I did not just sleep with one of those trendy-looking twinks from last night. In my somnambulist haze, I can barely make out a long, blonde mane thrown up into a messy yet feminine updo, framing an unsatisfied pout. I stare back in confusion, hesitance laced into my remark, "...You're not a hormonal teenage boy.."

"Amazing observation," A voice unique to one girl in particular answers back, sarcasm seeping in her tone, as she rests her head onto the palm of her hand while shifting her weight onto an elbow. "Do you wanna check just to make sure? A penis bulge, perhaps?" Sabrina makes a move to untie the knot keeping her sweatpants clenched onto her petite waist, only stopping due to a deafening plead from my part as I jump out of the comfort of the wool blanket wrapped around each side of my figure.

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