Scene 4 Take 3

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"That doesn't matter, I'm just glad you're here now. I guess you're not much a bitchy, she-devil after all." She pulls away instantly, scoffing at my remark.

"Never mind, I take everything back immediately. I should've let that dude eat you alive." She crosses her arms, leaving me behind as she walks towards the glass doors at the entrance. I shake my head playfully, giggling uncontrollably as I run after her.

     Maybe things weren't going downhill after all.




"Rowan, oh my God! Are you okay?!" As soon as I step foot into the office, Sabrina following closely behind, Amanda instantly pounces as she tightly locks her arms around me, looking me over to ensure I wasn't hurt in any way.

"Enjoying yourself?" I let out with the little amount of oxygen I had remaining, a small smirk forming on my face. This earns me one of Amanda's classic scoffs and a smack on the head.
I rub my head bitterly as I turn to face Sabrina, seeking backup from the blonde. "You see how obsessed she is with me?" She purses her lips, giving me a small nod as she attempts to stifle a smile. I grin in approval, spinning on my heel as I look to see Amanda's reaction, expecting to receive some sort of eye-roll or insult. Instead, her face is filled with confusion and shock as she rapidly looks between me and Sabrina.

     Sabrina furrows her eyebrows, looking at me for some kind of explanation. I shrug, taking a seat in the black couch behind me. "..Do i have something on my face?" She asks quizzically, seeking for the answer as to why Amanda looked like she came face-to-face with the devil.

"No, Peaches, you look fine." I assure her, throwing my feet up onto the couch.

"Thanks, Honey." She gleams, plopping down right next to me as she picks up my legs situated on the sofa and readjusts them so that they're now resting on her lap. At this, Amanda's jaw drops and all that comes out of her mouth is cut-off, gibberish words.
Both Sabrina and I tilt out heads in unison, watching intently as Amanda sorts herself out. She sighs, taking a breath as her eyes shut. They flutter open momentarily as she proceeds to blink slowly at the both of us and rub her eyes in circles with the palm of her hands.

"You good-?"

"DID THE UBER DRIVER HIT BOTH OF YOU IN THE HEAD?!" She shouts, her voice laced with confusion, making us both flinch. Sabrina shakes her head, letting out a small chuckle. "Nope, but this idiot would've been hit if I haven't swooped in and saved her ass." I open my mouth to protest, but I soon shut it as she gives me that knowing look of, 'you know I'm right'.

Amanda speaks up once again, her voice a bit quieter than last time. "See what I mean? You guys are agreeing with each other, teasing each other, and, most importantly, not killing each other within a 10 inch radius! If one of you even just bumped into each other on set it would've been war!"

"The past is the past, 'Manda." Sabrina nonchalantly chimes in, absentmindedly tracing circles on my leg. I hum in agreement, letting my eyes flutter shut.

Amanda pinches the bridge of her nose, letting out an excessively loud sigh. "I don't even know why I'm here dealing with you two rich, privileged dumbasses." She mumbles, taking a seat in her black rolling chair.

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