Scene 3 Take 1

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"Just spit it out already!" I shout impatiently at Adam.

"What could get your career in better shape almost if you start a PR relationship with Sabrina Carpenter."





"You're kidding. This is ridiculous! There's no way she'd even agree to this! She hates me!" I continue to angrily ramble on as Amanda makes a poor attempt to calm me down by rubbing my shoulders. I shove her hands away as I stomp away from her.

"Look, Rowan, this is honestly the only option you have...unless you want to lose your career. You're 16, home schooled, and there's not much else you can do unless you want to start working at a restaurant like In 'n Out."

"I happen to like that place." I mumble, crossing my arms.

"And I'm sure you'll like the minimum wage too." He replies sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Please, at least try to think about us too. Consider this, If people see that you ended up being a failure, it'll reflect poorly on the agency. No ones going to want to sign with us, and we'll probably have to shut down eventually. Our fate lies on your shoulders, so remember that." He raises an eyebrow, giving me a grim look.

"So no pressure?" I scoff, sitting back down. I take a deep breath, attempting to calm myself down. "So, lets say I did agree to this, how would we even know that Sabrina would agree as well? I doubt she'd even want to see me again." I unconsciously tense up at the memory of Sabrina easily leaving me alone at the bay window without even thinking of turning back to take a second glance.

"Well, whether she wants to see you or not, no one can deny the amount of attention a relationship between the two of you will-"

"Might." I correct.

"Will." She continues. "bring for both your careers. We already know that the media was very invested you and Sabrina's relationship. Officially announcing it will definitely boost the two of you further in the industry. It's a great way for you to stay relevant to the public." I open my mouth to retort, but no reasonable arguments are able to come out. I couldn't deny what she was telling me, because it was absolutely true. It would be a great opportunity for me to succeed and would involve little to no risk compared to a Disney movie. At this point, It was my only option in order to allow me to continue to pursue my dream career. I loved my job, and I didnt want to give it up that easily.

"Fine." I mumble quietly.

"Huh?" Amanda questions, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Fine." I repeat slightly louder, just enough for both Adam and Amanda to barely hear. They practically leap in joy, running over to hug me for dear life.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Both of them chant, still cutting off my oxygen flow.

"l..let go!" I gasp out, resulting in them instantly dropping me back onto the couch.

"I had like, 30 more arguments to convince you to agree to this PR relationship." She says, pulling out a thick, 4 inch binder from behind her back.

"Then I'm glad I said yes before you bored me to death." I roll my eyes, receiving a smack on my shoulder from Amanda.

"Okay," Adam takes a deep breath, composing himself. "So I'll message Sabrina's manager tomorrow and we can discuss the details and see if we can get Sabrina on board. Deal?"

I think for a second before answering hesitantly, "Deal.."

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