Scene 4 Take 4

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"So if I don't have anything to offer, then why are you following me like a lost puppy?" She counters. I smile slightly at her comparison of me to a puppy, and she notices. "An ugly, lost puppy. Don't get ahead of yourself, Blanchard." She purses her lips, but nevertheless my smile remains plastered on face, never fading. She tilts her head slightly in confusion as she waits for an explanation to her initial question—- before she complimented/insulted me.

     I sigh slightly, resting an arm on the elevator's metal railing before continuing.

"Can we talk? About us?"




The atmosphere of the small, contained space suddenly becomes unsettlingly tense as Sabrina visibly freezes up at my question. I could sense that she was dreading this conversation as much as I was, but we both knew we had to discuss it eventually considering the situation we have both unfortunately found ourselves in; two celebrities fake dating each other for public attention.

     She shifts uncomfortably, gripping the straps of her bag tighter. "There's nothing to talk about, Rowan. We're the same we've always been." She responds, gritting her teeth in the slightest; an obvious sign that she was lying.

"Okay." I say simply with a slight sing-song tone evident in my voice. Turning my head slightly, I glance in her direction and watch as her expression is overcome with confusion.

"That's it?" She inquires, curious as to why I suddenly became disinterested in our conversation, considering moments ago I was chasing her around the narrow hallways leading to the one elevator located on the floor level.

     The truth was, I was desperately seeking an answer from her-- but begging isn't a good look on me.
I knew she would budge this way much quicker.

"Yeah, guess you have a point. I'm just obsessing over the little details, I suppose." I shrug, my eyes intently watching the the neon numbers change by the second.

The space becomes eerily silent once again, with only the slight squeaking of the elevator's gears providing sound and, strangely enough, relief every once in a while. I could sense Sabrina's piercing gaze trained on me, and I could only imagine the thoughts hidden away in those blue, crystalline irises. I would've been lying if I had said that I wasn't tempted to meet her prominent glare, or that I didn't want to pour out all the flooding emotions I've had to train myself to lock away from everyone this past week (maybe longer than that, even). Truly, all I wanted is for her to finally tear down the wall that was set between us; probably feet taller than her actual height and 10 times stronger than her stubbornness and never-faltering ambition.

     Right when I'm sure I was about to crack under her cold stare, added with the uncomfortable atmosphere between the two of us, the sound elevator doors slowly squeaking open saves the two of us from the unsettling awkwardness surrounding us both. I walk out with a calm and collected demeanor, my head held high as I make small strides forward towards the exit of the lobby- making sure to not cast a final look at those eyes; perfectly framed with blonde hair bouncing slightly with every move.
     I only make it past the receptionist's desk until she finally cracks and lets out a frustrated groan a few feet behind, the clicking of heels following after.

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