40. Trust

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     Thor and Athelia stood hand in hand in front of Odin and hundreds of others as he spoke for what felt like hours. They had taken their turns repeating their oaths, promising to never stray from the sanctity of their marriage or their loyalty to the crown while keeping it well together.

     Thor could tell there was something wrong with Athelia. He knew from the very moment he saw her when she finally walked through the large doors alone. He didn't have words to explain how he felt, watching her smile behind the long sheer veil that hid the redness in her eyes. It pained him to see her so broken, but he promised to give her the best life possible and for that she couldn't help but be grateful.

     She couldn't make out the words Odin spoke, but she could feel Thor squeezing her hand reassuringly everytime she swallowed back her anger.  even as they echoed through the room. All she could do in her state of mind  was force a smile at Thor's who was deeply concerned for her mindset.

     He turned towards her slowly and brought her hand to his lips as she did his. They kissed the rings that adorned each other's fingers, before closing the small distance between them and became one. She could feel the pressure behind her eyes begin to subside and for the first time that afternoon, she was responsive and her hand cupped his chin as she gently moved her lips against hers, doing her best to ignore the cheering and applause of the hundreds of strangers surrounding them. 

     Thor smiled as Athelia fell against him, but it wasn't a passionate swoon. It was a feeling in her gut that something was about to go terribly wrong and she squeezed his hands, before they turned the crowd and bowed. She had married Thor, but that was no longer her concern.

     They walked slowly down the petalled isle, smiling and waving as they made way towards the white chariot that would parade them through the town. People lined the streets, throwing flowers and applauding the union, but Athelia sat anxiously next to Thor and he couldn't help but notice.

     "Are you okay?"

     She shook her head as she smiled at the crowd, her eyes secretly scanning their surroundings. She couldn't pinpoint what felt off, but when she told Thor that something was wrong, he nodded, sensing it too.

     "Will be back at the palace in a few minutes," he said kissing her white knuckles again. "Just stay alert and try not to look too depressed."

    She looked over at him half expecting him to glare at her, but he was smiling in all his glory as he waved the crowds of people that lined the cobble stoned streets. She didn't know what to say to him, so she said nothing and followed his lead as they circled the town.

     When they arrived back at the palace they were ushered into a small room corner room off of the grand hall. Athelia was thankful that all she could see from the balcony was the tops of the buildings as the celebrations roared in the streets below. It seemed as though everyone was happy about nuptials, everyone but her.

      They waited in silence as the others finished the preparations for the reception. Dinner was to be served shortly their introduction and though Athelia had been miles away in her mind, Thor was leaned up against the balcony next to her, repeating his mandatory speech in his mind.

     The doors swung open and they were brought from their thoughts as the music swirled around them. Frigga smiled at her son as she shut the door and embraced his him quickly, with the most loving smile.

     "Well aren't you two a sad site," she cooed, earning a hidden eye roll from the new Princess of Asgard. "Moping around out here as if you had just married a stranger."

     Thor and Athelia didn't find her words as humorous or light hearted as Frigga had intended, but she laughed gently as she made her between the two of them. They stared out over the kingdom, leaning against the balcony side by side as Frigga tried to find the right words to settle their minds, but just as she was about to speak, a siren from the end of the palace began to wail and Athelia shuttered as the sounds had brought back memories of the day her father died.

     "The dungeons."

     "Loki," Thor groaned, but Athelia stood next to him more alert than she had been before. She didn't believe it had anything to do with him, rather than the one that threatened to kill the King.

     "You should go," Frigga said to Thor, but Athelia shook her.

     "No, I will. My uncle is down there. Thor, you should stay with your mother and check on Freya please."

     Thor tried to protest, but Frigga grabbed his arm, knowing that even if it were Loki, Athelia was probably the one that could calm him or stop him from doing whatever it was that he was doing.

    "I'll be right back." She said taking Thor's hands in hers and squeezing them gently. She kissed him softly on the cheek before giving Frigga a thankful smile before leaving the two of them alone.

      Frigga took her son's hands that were still held out for Athelia. He closed his eyes tightly and shook his head as his mother tried to coax him into he reception.

     "She loves him doesn't she?" He asked her out of nowhere. "Loki? She claims she doesn't, but I saw them together. She swears it was nothing more than an attempt to find answers, but -"

      Frigga squeezed his as he stared towards the dungeons. "She made her choice Thor. She chose you. You are her future now, don't hold that against her."

     "She didn't choose me Mother, she chose the throne." he said.

     "A throne she knows the both of you are worthy of," she said. "You may not believe in him anymore, but I do. I know he is not completely to blame for his actions and so does she."

     "He murdered hundreds of people."

     "And she murdered thousands, yet you don't hold that against her. Just remember that he chose to stay down there to save her life. To save yours and your children's one day." She took a deep breath as Thor took in her words.

      "How am I supposed to trust her? How am I supposed to sleep next to her night knowing her mind lies with my brother."

     "The same way she will knowing yours lies on Midgard." Frigga said to him. "In time your hearts will become one, but for now, you are both dealing with your own loss. Whether she loves him or not is of no importance. Where her heart lies now will not effect the wife or the Queen she will be in the future."


     "Trust in her Thor," she said as she gently lifted the stone around his neck. "Just as she trusts you. We all have our secrets my son and one day you will be the person she shares with them."

When Darkness Falls - LOKI - Book One (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now