49. Promise

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      Athelia wasted no time and didn't look back as she made towards the ship. Her hands were steady in front of her as she focused her energy on their only escape and a wicked grin crossed her face as she watched shade draw to her, soaking through her fingers as she processed every cell and turned into something catastrophic.

      Malekith was not leaving this planet, even if that mean that Thor would have one less realm to rule. Her body vibrated as she took her fill of the void around her and she screamed his name as she released a force so unnatural that the ground around her shook. She watched as his ships trembled, small explosions riddling the horizon as the force reached them.

      She was an atomic bomb and the dust around pushed away with every step she took. Her body buzzed with adrenaline and though she wouldn't admit, excitement. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to house this much energy within her and again she pulled the darkness from around her, letting the stars and the convergence peak through the clouds as she focused on the ship.

     She was flanked by Malekith's warriors, but with only a flick of her fingers they were tossed backwards until only one remained. The large beast with burning red eyes stared down at her, but she was impressed to find that he didn't falter as easily as the others.

      She pulled Eiri from her waist and held it gently as her fingers strummed against the hilt. He was all that stood between her and Malekith and she couldn't risk wasting the energy that flowed through her on this creature.

      "Are you sure you want to do this?" She taunted him, stepping to left slowly as she pointed her blade at him. He pulled a giant blade from behind his back, but she lunged forward, not allowing him anytime to arm himself against her.

      He put up more of fight than she had predicted it and as she went to strike him from behind, he turned quickly grabbing her blade with his scarred hands and snapped it in two. Athelia stood stunned. The first and only blade she ever wielded in battle - broken by a mere creature that held no power beyond hers.

      It was as if she had lost a piece of herself and she felt the darkness swirling in her fingers, but before she could strike him, he swung first - sending her flying backwards into the sand. Her body skid across the dark valley like a pebble on a lake, but she felt nothing.

      She stared up at the sky. The more of the darkness she consumed the brighter the stars had become and the more clearly she could see the convergence. Every realm within her future rule linked in front of her and she smiled, knowing this was going to be the only chance she would ever have to see each and every realm.

      She heard the creature closing in on her, but she lied there still. Her mind wandered home and to Asgard. Wondering if Freya and the princes had made it back yet. She couldn't attack Malekith until she was sure they were off this planet and as a hand came into view, she knew that wasn't case.

      "Do not tell me the kursed one has bested you?"

     She shot up, her eyes landing on Loki's extended hand and she lunged at him, grabbing him by the collar of his green leather armor. "What are you doing here?"

     "You didn't actually think I was going to leave you here, did you?" She searched his green eyes for the truth, but he smirked. "Even in your darkest form, your tricks do not work on me Athelia."

     "Where's Freya?" She snapped, looking over his shoulder as the kursed one approached. "Loki! Where is she?"

      Loki pushed her back behind a sharp shard of the mountain wall and gripped her wrists tightly. There was too much energy to pull from her, but he did his best to reassure her that everything was fine. "She's gone. She's safe."

When Darkness Falls - LOKI - Book One (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now