3. Remember ✓

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     Athelia found herself surrounded by only those whom her father had fully trusted. The few men who she had laid her hand upon as they swore loyalty to the King all stood before her once again and removed the only defense they had against her. One by one, she quickly claimed the stones tied around their necks and gripped them tightly as she searched for any explanation or deceit.

     "Where is Bronen?" Athelia asked, noting the absence of her uncle.

     "He went to get you." Tidus, her father's second in command, explained.

    She looked at him quizzically. Bronen was a warrior before an uncle. If there were a battle to be had, he would not run away from it - even if it were to secure the only family he had left, and Bronen knew better than anyone that Athelia was more than capable of taking care of herself. After all, he had stood by her side many times as she laid waste to realms singlehandedly. 

     It didn't make sense. "Find him." 

     Titus nodded. "I will, My Lady, but you must get to your father and quickly." 

     "Where is he?"

     Tidus went to speak, but before he could part his lips, blood had splattered across Athelia's face. An arrow had pierced through his neck. She was quickly surrounded by those sworn to protect her, and Athelia, who was no stranger to the loss of war, wiped the commander's blood from her cheek and gripped her hand tightly until she felt the hilt of her sword between her slink fingers. She wanted to find them. Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the wall walks, but all she could see were her soldiers, blades in hand, searching every corner, turret, and hall - desperate to find the attacker. 

     "We need to get to the ship," Dolcia nudged her forward, but she couldn't take her eyes away from the dying man. It wasn't the blood or the fact that one of her most trusted confidants was dying that kept her still. It was the fact that somewhere on this rocky island she called home, a traitor was running rampant - and she wanted to be the one to drive her sword through his heart. And that wouldn't happen if she allowed Dolcia to whisk her away.

     "Athelia, we must go."

     She turned quickly, causing Dolcia to duck back as Athelia's braid whipped around. "I'm not leaving my people." 

     "It's not the people you need to worry about. They are strong. Resilient. They will fight back, as will you. Right now, all you must worry about is your father."  

     Athelia hesitated, but she quickly understood the urgency as she followed Dolcia's gaze to the golden ship. If Asgard was here to help them, then she needed to know why. Though as they approached the airship, the men in golden clad armored stepped in their way, insisting only the Daughter of Dorian was allowed entry. 

     "You will step aside," she threatened, "or I will remove you myself."  Her eyes paled, and as more arrows drowned the men behind her, she raised her sword, intent on keeping her word. The Asgardian soldier hesitated, but he was not foolish enough to risk an unnecessary slaughter, so he reached forward and took hold of Freya's hand and pulled her and Dolcia to the ship before Athelia jumped up behind them.

     No one dared step in her way as she pushed her way past the guards in the hall. Every step she took sent a chill of disgust through her body, and if she hadn't been in such a hurry, she might have even stopped to acquire something to protect her nose from the fresh floral air or even scoffed at the amount of gold around every corner, or the matching guards she passed along the way. 

     With a wave of her hand, the soldiers guarding the throne room doors were forced to the side. Dolcia cleared her throat from behind Athelia, but she paid no attention. She was in no mood for Dolcia to reprimand her for using what the woman would deem excessive force. As if there indeed was such a thing, but despite every urge she had to kick the doors down, she refrained as Dolcia stepped forward and forced the doors open. 

When Darkness Falls - LOKI - Book One (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now