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Enoch had, of course, seen an undetectable extension charm being used on multiple occasions previously. The mystery of his Uncle's tomb was easily solved once everyone recognized the charms use in the air.

He had not seen it be used on something as small as a suitcase, but found himself leaning forward on his bed as a Mr. Scamander's hand appeared out of the top of the suitcase. It waved back and forth, beckoning Mr. Kowalski into the case. The man in question was rather excited, whooping with a bright smile and hurrying from his bed.

It took Mr. Kowalski a moment to get into the case, and Enoch couldn't bring himself to think past the here and now. Barely a moment alone in the room and Mr. Scamander's head reappeared above the brim of the case.

"Are you coming?" He look worried as he asked, he avoided eye contact. Mr. Scamander his hand out to pull Enoch, speaking with the softest of smiles. "Don't you trust me?"

Enoch Jones rarely trusts people so easily, but the look of the man in front of  him had him saying yes before he could really think it through. He reached out, accepting the mans hand and turning around to put his feet through first. There was a brief moment of concern, as he wasn't sure how his braced legs would find the ladder below him.

Enoch did not have to worry long, as two steady hands touched the braces, directing them to what he could assume was the ladder of the stairs. He took his time stepping down it, not missing the way that Mr. Scamanders hands trailed up his legs, the action lighting a fire within Enoch that he hadn't even thought about in a long time.

The moment his feet touched the ground, Enoch felt calmer, becoming pliable in the hands of Mr. Scamander, he let the man turn him around, hands still on his waist as Enoch smiled up at him.

There was a considerable height differences, Enoch barely reached the man's chin, and just as he felt the need to comment on it, Mr. Scamander let go of his waist. Pulling his wand from an unseen place and muttering a spell just under his breath. A clattering came from above, and Mr. Scamander, without taking his eyes off of the shorter man in front of him, lifted his hand and caught the cane that he had just called to him.

It was the first time in a long time that Enoch had heard another wizard use a verbal spell, the vocalness a comfort to him as he smiled in thanks.

Mr. Scamander stepped away quickly, pattering around the room with practiced ease as he started to pick at plants along the walls. It was then that Enoch noticed a sweating and shivering Mr. Kowalski sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, panting aggressively as he looked at the space around him.

"Are you alright Mr. Kowalski?" Enoch made his way across the small space to him, placing his hand on his forehead and wincing at the temperature of the muggles skin.

"That'll be the Murlap bite." Mr. Scamander sounded from behind Enoch, still mixing his ingredients together in a carefully practiced way.

Enoch hummed in appreciation, leaning heavily onto his cane as he came to rest just at Mr. Scamander's elbow. "Murlap?" Enoch muttered it, quickly taking stock of the plants on the shelf. "They are rather interesting, are you mixing Asphodel with Redgrave?"

Throughout his years, Enoch had worked in many magical environments, often finding the creatures much more pleasant company than the humans or wizards. Mr. Scamander paused, glancing at the shorter man with a faint smile.

"Redgrave? I didn't know that-" He cuts himself off as he grabs Redgrave off of the shelf in front of him and begins cutting it up.

Enoch is quick to intervene. "No, no, no, no, not like that Mr. Scamander." He leans heavily on the countertop, tucking the top of his cane into the crook of his arm. Taking the Redgrave from the man's hands carefully. "Like this." He demonstrates peeling the plant from top to bottom, before handing the pieces back to Mr. Scamander.

There is a pause, as both men's hands brush each others. Enoch's voice is just above a whisper when he speaks again.

"Peeling off pieces lets the branch keep growing long ways. It will last longer..." Enoch had not considered himself someone to fall so easily for a pretty face, but Mr. Scamander's particular face was something of a wonder to him. Enoch's eyes find the wide pupils of Mr. Scamander's deep blue eyes, the image is clear, the pair of them kissing at the bottom of the ladder of the case.

Enoch steps back, removing himself from the influential eyes of Mr. Scamander and instead taking to look at the room around him.

It was a rather small space, cluttered with plants and books and half finished cups of tea. It had a rather homey feel to it, and oddly enough, it was a lot smaller inside the case than Enoch thought it would be.

The words of Mr. Scamander faded out as Enoch shuffled his way over to an unopened door. Ignoring the tired feeling that passed over him as his hand rested on the doorknob, turning it without really thinking it through. His cane passed through the door first, before being followed by the rest of him.

And this is what he believed the world would look like inside the case.

Hundreds of creatures filled the skies and ground, the distinct feeling of hundreds of lifetimes filling a room with only a hopeful ending brought a smile to Enoch's face. He turned around slowly, a bright laugh bursting from his chest.

Just as he started to step towards the nearest structure, a hand landed on his shoulder. The hand was connected to Mr. Scamander, and Enoch easily turned pink, turning with an apology that died on his lips the moment he saw Mr. Scamander's smiling face.

"Do you want to help me feed them?" His words are like honey, soft and sweet to the ears. Enoch nods, feeling rather dazed, but accepts the bucket that he offered without protest. The three of them set off together, weaving their way through the maze of habitats and pausing briefly in front of creatures Enoch had only ever read about.

His attention switched to Mr. Scamander the moment they stopped.

Mr. Scamander looked so comfortable, so alive with all of his creatures. A look in his eyes that looked to be reserved for only his creatures. He sent Mr. Kowalski off on his own, muttering the task at hand to the man before leading Enoch to a smaller habitat off to the side of the case.

The light dimmed, and rocks and trees seemed to sprout up the further they walked. A small creature sprinted through the environment, very quickly running up to Enoch and headbutting him without thinking it through. Enoch laughed loudly, steadying himself with a hand on Mr. Scamander's arm before reaching to pet the creature.

"They're called Mooncalves."  Mr. Scamander's spoke up from behind Enoch, a hand sitting on the small of Enoch's back just in case any of the Mooncalves decided to make a charge once again. "Here."

Mr. Scamander reaches for the pail of food in Enoch's hand, grabbing a handful in a light hand and throwing the pellets. To Enoch's easy surprise they did not fall but rather float, sticking to the air as the little odd creatures bounced up to reach them. Enoch let out a bright laugh, tossing a handful right alongside Mr. Scamanders.

"They are wonderful Mr. Scamander." Enoch turned to face the man, speaking to him with a bright smile. Their eyes locked.

Then one of the Mooncalves interrupted, his head landing firmly in Enoch's side in an attempt to beg for food, the action was just a bit too aggressive. But Mr. Scamander was there in an instant, once again with his hands on Enoch's waist as he steadied the smaller man.

It was, without a doubt, that Enoch was blushing, cheeks bright red as he looked up at the man with a shy smile. He pulls away, using Mr. Scamander's forearms to steady himself as he does.

"Newt. Call me Newt." Mr. Scamander's voice is just barely above a whisper. His hand lingered on Enoch's arm for a moment longer, before pulling away.

"Only if you call me Enoch." Enoch speaks lightly, avoiding looking the man directly in the eyes as flashes of a future appears.

Newt smiles, nodding lightly before offering his elbow to lead him to a new enclosure.

A feeling of hope came over Enoch Jones, despite the prospects of two men in their time, the future was sure.

A welcomed beginning among the oldest of man.

Fantastic Beasts and How To Save Them (Newt Scamander)Where stories live. Discover now