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Kadmeil and Newt dismissed themselves with veiled apologies in the direction of Jacob Kowalski for the loss of his memories. They went to Kadmeil's flat, as it was the only place that the Seer felt safe in.

Grindewald was captured, and would stay as such, but Kadmeil couldn't help but feel as though there was something there. His mind supplied images of a happy future with Newt, he couldn't think past it. 

It was an almost sure fact in Kadmeil's mind that he was forever alone in this world. His mother had died centuries ago, and everyone who had ever been kind do him passed in the same way. Old age was almost worse then sickness in Kadmeil's mind.

Kadmeil took a deep breath as he formed the words to speak to Newt. His new found more than friend was all that he felt he needed in ever situation.

"I'm immortal in a sense, and I'm not sure what will come of the pair of us."

Newt reached forward, taking Kadmeil's hands delicately in his own, smiling as he pressed kisses to the palm. "I want to spend my life with you, and whatever happens will happen." It was a promise almost, and Kadmeil found himself being pulled to Newt with the hands clasped between them. The left was still aching, and Newt noticed how tense Kadmeil was when he touched it.

"Now, will you let me take a look at your hand love?" Kadmeil just nods, and Enoch holds the injured hand by its wrist. "This is going to hurt," a pause, "Episkey."

Kadmeil's fingers snapped into place, the palm smoothing out as best it could given the circumstances. "Fuck." Kadmeil said the word without meaning it, his hand rippling in pain as he tried his best to try and breath through the settlement.

Newt pressed a kiss to the newly formed palm. "Sorry love."

There was a knock at the door, and while Kadmeil would much rather sit with Newt and forget about the rest of the world, he knew that there was an urgency behind the knock. Kadmeil stood with Enoch's help, crossing into the front of the apartment alone and telling Newt to go and find his other brace in his room.

A witch is standing on the other side of the door, full MACUSA robes with no care for how odd she looked around all of the muggles that lived in the apartment building. Enoch wasn't sure what to do with him standing there.

She spoke with an American accent as assumed, "Are you Mr. Enoch Jones?" She looks down at the envelope as she speaks, before looking up at Kadmeil who is frowning.

"It's Kadmeil now, Kadmeil Jones. Who are you?" It was only a half question, and the woman just hummed and held out the envelope.

"I am Jennifer Banks, with the Magical Congress of the United States of America, and I am here to deliver this." She holds the envelope out to Kadmeil, and he takes it, balancing his shoulder against the door frame and tearing it open.

"'Notice of Removal. Enoch Jones you are hear-bye asked to remove yourself from-." Kadmeil freezes, and looks up at her. "What is this?"

"A Notice of Removal as it says." Banks sighs at he face Kadmeil gives to her. "MACUSA has decided that you have spent long enough in this country under a false name. Madame Picquery now asks you to leave the States in the next three days, or face detainment."

It was a far cry from the woman's ask of a consultation, but Kadmeil could not put it past her, to everyone else, he was a danger. A Seer. The woman starts to say something else, but Kadmeil interrupts, "Thank you, good day."

The door slams shut between the two of them and the Seer turns around, pressing his back into the door and smiling ever so softly at Newt who slowly approaches him. "I've been kicked out of America." Kadmeil laughs sarcastically, "That's not a first, but I still wasn't expecting it."

Kadmeil passes the envelope to Newt with a sigh, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.

"I've got no where to go, and my students. Oh, the school, I've got to tell my students that I won't be coming back. I wonder how they'll react. I wonder if the house still stands in Wales." Kadmeil shakes his head before continuing, "Oh, I'm not allowed in Wales either, it'll have to be London. London, yes, I'll find somewhere in London and they-"

Newt interrupts, "You can come and stay with me."

There was no room for discussion, and Kadmeil didn't want to debate.

With Newt's help the entire flat was packed up within in an hour, ready to be transferred into the case, Kadmeil felt as though he couldn't breathe as he closed and locked the door behind him.

There was a future ahead that he wasn't sure of, but with Newt at his side, he could take anything coming at him.

A war was in the near future, and despite both Kadmeil and Newt's insistence on not picking sides, the Seer couldn't help but feel as though it would be a war that he would be the deciding factor.

Fantastic Beasts and How To Save Them (Newt Scamander)Where stories live. Discover now