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It did not end there.

Enoch would not let himself be taken, that much was a given. The moment that Gnarlack's fingers attempted to grip tighter, he pulled away, muttering a spell under his breath that sent the Goblin back into his chair.

"I would not touch someone without their consent if I were you." Newt's tone was a warning one, his arm snaked around Enoch's waist as he spoke. "What of the demiguise?"

Enoch looked between the man beside him and the Goblin in front of him, the flash of a room filling with MACUSA employees passed over his mind. Enoch leaned into Newt, standing on his toes to press his lips to Newts ear; "Gnarlack is going to betray us."

Newt simply nodded, fixing a pointed glare on the Goblin as he waited for a response.

"Somethin' invisible been wreakin' havoc 'round Fifth Avenue. You'll wanna check out Macy's, the department store. Might help with what you're lookin' for." Gnarlack looks over the table, his eyes passing between the two wizards.

"Dougal." Newt mutters under his breath, he starts to get up but Enoch's hand presses into his chest, stopping him as he looked back to Gnarlack.

"There is a man. Who works at MACUSA, a Mr. Graves. What do you know about him? His background, anything?" Enoch asked Gnarlack, the blank spots in his memory was to much, the curiosity was getting the better of him.

Gnarlack simply snarls, "Askin' to many questions can get ya killed." The echos of a patron shouting of the arrival of MACUSA aurors. The Goblin just wiggles his fingers in a way of saying goodbye, his body fading into nothing just as a spell knocked the table away from the pair.

Newt wrapped his arm around Enoch, pulling him closer as he looked to Tina, her flapper dress changing back into pants as she sprints through the room. "We need to go." Tina grabs Newts hand who attempts a stronger grip around the smaller wizard, a passing patron knocks the Seer to the ground.

"Go Tina!" Enoch's voice commands as he tries to push himself to his feet, Tina does as he says, disapparating with Newt Scamander in tow. Enoch attempts to think as he pushes himself onto his knees his mind reeling as he wills himself to disapparate as well.

The inbetween is a place he did not wish to be stuck in. The world was warped, and if not for the newfound connection of Enoch and Newt he would not have been able to land on the other side with such firm footing. Newt was there, holding his hands out to steady the Seer as he did.

It took the taller man a moment to speak, and when he did it was only after he was entirely sure that Enoch was alright.

"Demiguise's are fundamentally peaceful, but they can give a nasty nip if provoked. They can also see just a bit into the future." Newt smiles lightly as he says it, looking down at Enoch before continuing. "Alright, you two head that way, Tina go there. And try very hard to not be predictable."

It is apparent that Newt only sort of knew what he was doing as the group followed the Demiguise through the store. Dougal appeared and disappeared through the shelves. It took much to long to figure out what he was doing, and it was only after the group reached the attic did they come to the realization.

"What is he doing?" Teena whispers from the other side of the room, her eyes scanning the darkness in a way that meant she couldn't see past the end of her nose.

"I think he's babysitting." Newt whispers back, his hand wrapping around Enoch's wrist. "This is all my fault. I thought I had them all, I must have miscounted."

"It's babysitting that." Teena whispers again, looking at Newt with a worried gaze.

"Occamies are choranaptyxic." Enoch whisper's as if it were an explanation, at the confused look they thrown in his direction, he attempts to explain. "It means that they grow to fill the space."

"Or shrink." Newt pipes in, before passing around the side of the shelf. He approaches the Occamy, and Enoch makes the sudden realization that this is the painting he had done a few days ago. Newt stands in front of the Occamy with his hand outstretched, "Mum's here. Mum's here."

"We need an insect." Enoch whispers to the others in the room, making the motion of a box as he tried to keep his footing steady. "And a teapot."

The other three scatter, moving quickly and quietly as they look through all of the shelves around the room. Enoch made the quick decision against moving from his current position for multiple reason, the top of which would be that he would be too damn loud moving around, and the second is that he wanted to be near Newt if anything went wrong.

Which of course it did.

Jacob yelped just a bit too loud while attempting to grab a cockroach, this then agitated the Occamy who started swirling around the room in an effort to leave. Jacob was pinned between the Occamy and the wall, newt was wrapped in her coil, and the sisters were trapped in a pile of boxes. Enoch was treated just the same, his back slamming painfully against the wall.

"Cockroach in teapot." The Seer whispers, pain filling his voice. 

Jacob throws it into the air, and in a wonderful moment of good luck, the cockroach lands perfectly into the pot outstretch in Newt's hand and moments later the Occamy follows. 

The room dissolves into laughter as they celebrate catching the last creature. Enoch smiles from his spot on the ground, accepting Newts extended hand with a thankful sigh and standing on his toes to kiss the taller man. Newt smiles, carefully opening his case and dropping the Occamy inside, Dougal follows without a complaint.

Tina speaks softly as she approaches, "Please tell me that was everything that came from your case." Newt just nods, wrapping his arms around Enoch as he watches the witches excitement. "Fantastic! Now we can-"

A deafening crash sounds from outside the building, and in just barely a moment it appears everything had gone wrong. Enoch shares a look with Newt before moving to the window, the city looks as through it were covered in darkness.

"Jeez, is that that, obscura-obsuriousthing?" Jacob voice breaks Enoch's concentration, and the Seer seems to be looking past the muggle when his gaze shifts.

"This is more powerful than I've ever seen." Newt's voice is full of awe, just barely a hint of fear hidden in the tone. He lifts his case a bit higher and hands it to Enoch. "If I don't look back I need you to look after my creatures. Every- everything you need to know is in there."

"Wait what?" Enoch takes the case nonetheless, and looks at Newt with a panicked look.

Newt just smiles, trying to look as though he weren't giving up everything in this moment. "They can't kill him." 

Newt starts to walk away, but Enoch grabs him by the arm trying to speak but Newt is kissing him before syllables can form. Everything in the Seer's mind fades into one singular image, the image of the obscurial. The boy is terrified and all alone, and when Newt pulls back, the image fades.

When Enoch tries to speak, Newt disappears, and a sigh passes through parted lips.

He turns, leaning heavily onto his cane as he passed the case off to Tina. "Well, you heard him. Look after it."

Enoch turns, leaping off of the building and extending his arms to his side. He lets the wind whip around him for just a moment, before his body becomes a twisting form instead, leading him to the center of every image in his head.

Fantastic Beasts and How To Save Them (Newt Scamander)Where stories live. Discover now