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There was a beacon of light, metaphorical of course, but there nonetheless. Enoch landed just in front of the door to the subway station, all of it looking rather familiar to him as he started towards the entrance.

Enoch's steps faltered as he approached, a half a dozen or so muggles hurried past the entrance and without really considering it, Enoch lifted his hands. A mumbling of words passed through Enoch's lips, a litany of spells rippling to form over the entrance. The final was a spell of his own design, created to contain magical powers, hopefully strong enough to hold the Obscurial at bay.

He could feel the Obscurial's fear almost the moment he stepped inside the Subway, and when he came around the final corner the distinct voice of Mr. Graves echoed through the mans ears.

"-this long with this inside you Credence, it's a miracle. You're a miracle. Come with me, think of what we could do." Graves holds his hand out to the boy just as Enoch steps forward, wanting more than nothing to throw the man away from the boy. But the action wasn't necessary as Credence wasn't having any of Grave's words. His body started to twist and turn, changing back into the creature that he could just barely control. Newt came around the corner, blasting Graves away from Credence.

"You handle the boy, I'll take Graves." Enoch voice was harsh, but none of the emotion was directed towards Newt. There was slight hesitation in the wizards stance, as if Newt wasn't okay with this situation. Enoch did not care, he turned his back to Newt, walking towards Graves with a confidence in his step that he did not think he could have with the braces on his leg. 

"You're always turning up where you're least wanted Kadmeil." Graves voice is aggressive, his stance threatening as he lifts his wand. Enoch flinches at the use of is real name in such a tone, his shoulders lift, and he puts his head up high.

"And you're not who you say you are." Enoch's voice is stronger than he is.

Graves snarls and with a flick of his wrist a spell is fired in Enoch's direction, but the man waved his hand and the spell launched into the opposite direction. The wandless magic was something ever so common to Enoch, his body thrumming to life with every misdirected spell.

"Reducto!" The use of the word was not necessary, but welcomed. Enoch directed the spell up to the ceiling and pieces of it rained down on him. Graves shouts in anger, his voice echoing through the Subway station. The first spell that Graves fires hits the floor in front of him, knocking Enoch's cane out of his hand, the second knocked him off of his feet.

"You never knew when to quit." Graves' slowly approached Enoch Jones, his wand pointed at the Seer in such a way that kept him still on the ground. The way that Graves spoke made it sound as though they had met before.

Enoch did not recognize the man, his hand reached for the cane that sat just a few inches out of his reach and almost instantly regretted the action, Graves brought his heel down on the fingers. 

"I so hoped you would join me, but I suppose not."

The ball of Graves foot presses down on his hand, harder and harder, the bones begin to creak and crack under the pressure of Graves' foot. Enoch shouts as he presses, trying to pull his left hand free from under the boot. Suddenly the weight of Graves is gone, and Enoch is quick to pull his hand to his chest, whimpering lightly at any movement of his fingers.

"Enoch, Enoch. Are you alright?" Tina's voice startles the smaller man, who tries to pull out of her grip. Her hands are soft, and Enoch melts into the touch, muttering a 'thank you' as she helps him to his feet. "Get to Newt."

Enoch doesn't protest, he turns away, moving as fast as he can towards Newt who helps him to jump off the platform and onto the tracks. Credence is there, his skin pale and eyes wide as he tries to figure out what is going on.

Enoch motions for Newt to hold back as he continues to slowly approach Credence. "Hello my love," Credence attempts to pull away, "My name is Kadmeil, and I am here to help. Can I come to you?"

Enoch makes no move to approach the boy until he gets a show that it is alright. Credence nods softly, and just as he reaches the boy the shout of a curse throws him off balance. In an instant Newt is gone, taking the duel as far as he can away from the innocent pair.

"I know what that woman did to you Credence, I understand the pain you're feeling but please, don't do anything rash." Enoch smiles softly as he comes to a stop just a foot away from him. "I will help you, I will teach you, but you need to trust me. I promise you can trust me."

Enoch balances himself on his own two feet, tucking his cane over his left forearm and holding his hand out to Credence, palm up, fingers splayed. A sign to show him that Enoch meant Credence no harm. The squid considers it for a moment, before reaching out and grasping the Seer's hand firmly.

"You'll have to let go of my hand for the time being, I'm a bit bent." Enoch jokes, the boy laughs lightly, which makes Enoch smile at his joy. Credence stands to his feet, releasing the Seer's hand. Credence towers over Enoch, a bit like Newt, and just as Enoch begins to speak again a spell smashes into the wall beside us. Instantly Credence panics, his form starts to separate but Enoch stops him with a hand on his shoulder.

The Seer turns, locking eyes with Graves once more. The American reacts, firing a non-verbal spell that Enoch retaliates with an explosive one. Newt was starting to push himself to his feet, but another spell just above his head startles him back down.

"Stop this Graves. You have no claim over the boy." Enoch's wand is still pointed at Mr. Graves, he takes a protective step in front of Credence.

"I have every claim!" Graves shouted, casting a litany of spells in the pair direction out of anger, Enoch is able to block the first three with immense difficulty, the fourth blasts him away from Credence. The Seer turns tail over head, landing on the ground with his breath knocked out of him. 

Graves approaches, raining lightning over and over on the Seer. Enoch is able to block just a few of the spells, but it was much more difficult with his non-dominant hand. The brace of his right leg is stuck underneath the train track. 

Enoch Jones is trapped.

He casts the only shield spell that he knows, placing all of his power into it and holding as strong as he can. Newt was on his feet, casting spell after spell at Graves in a way that barely makes a difference. Graves would not let up, and the Seers shield was shrinking.

Credence took charge, his shape became twisted and chaotic. The boy shot at Graves, making the man react quickly and disapparate from the area. Credence follows him, and soon they were gone from Enoch's sight.

Newt was by his lovers side in an instant, pulling him into a seated position against his chest.

"Enoch how badly are you hurt. Oh Merlin." Newts hands grazed over Enoch's legs and shoulders. His finger tips just barely brushed over the broken fingertips that cause the Seer to yelp in pain. Newt mumbles his apologies over and over again.

"Newt." It took Enoch three more times of saying his name before Newt could actually hear him. "I'm alright love, I'm alright."

"But your hand-"

"We will deal it with later love." Enoch mutters, he pulls the wizard into a hug, Enoch's cheek digs into his shoulder as he smiles lightly.

"My damned brace is stuck in the tracks." Enoch pull's away from him, yanking on the brace with his uninjured hand, it was stuck fast.

A horn sounded.

"Fuck." The word left Newt's mouth, Newt's Hufflepuff mouth, and Enoch paused. There was no time to unpack that now. Newt yanks on the brace. "It's going to have to come off."

"What!" Enoch shout, a bit to loudly, but he was panicking as the train was fast approaching, it's light was bright in the tunnel. Newt starts pulling on the metal straps, causing Enoch to shout in pain without meaning to. Enoch pushes his hands away, using his right hand to release my leg from the brace.

The instant his leg is free of the brace, Newt disapparates, taking the Seer with him. When we land, Enoch crumbles to the side, most of his weight falls onto Newt, who takes it easily. President Picquery stands before us, a grim look on her face.

Black wisps float through the air, and it is only then that Enoch realizes what he had lost.

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