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Newt was more than happy to show both Enoch and Mr. Kowalski (who was quick to insist that both wizards call him Jacob) around the rest of the case. Enoch recognized a select few of the creatures, but many went by unnoticed.

All creatures were cared for in a delicate way, each with an environment perfectly suited to their needs. Newt kept tally of who was missing, muttering about their likely locations, and Enoch loved every moment of it, though he couldn't help but feel drawn to a certain habitat.

Enoch couldn't be sure what drew him specifically towards the structure, but something about it pulled at his mind like a magnet. He was drawn closer and closer, stepping through the flapping tarp that served as the wall of the enviroment.

He regretted it almost instantly, the temperature dropped below freezing, and his coat was not prepared for such weather. But he continued, frowning as he noticed exactly what drew him to the space.

There, floating just above eye level, was a black mass. It warped and turned within it's clear cover. Enoch could feel every emotion echoing off of the sphere. It was torturous standing just a few feet from it, and as he took one more step closer he lost his footing.

Enoch crashed into the ground, but didn't feel the impact, rather, he fell into a vision.

A girl, young and small. Sudanese, she was prosecuted, thrown out of her village at such a small age. Enoch could see the moment that Newt tried to save her, and her final transformation into what sat in the air in front of the man. Enoch saw a boy, sixteen or seventeen, just as scared as the little girl. He changed into the mass, lashing out at an unseen figure then turning back into himself.

The boys face transformed into one much to familiar, lunging at the wizard in a way that threw him back into his own mind.

Enoch was no longer on the ground, but rather held tightly in someones arms, the vision of the boy still fresh in his eyes. Newt carried him out of the enviroment, setting him on the ground. When Enoch opened his eyes, Newt stood with his hands raised in defense, to show that he would not harm him. His eyes were dark with concern.

"What was that thing?" Enoch knew what it was, but needed to hear Newt say it. He has to say it.

Newt looked away, rubbing the back of his neck in a way that displayed his fear surrounding the question. "An Obscurial. It used to be a little girl I met in Africa. She died before I could help her."

Enoch started to say something, but Newt extended his hand, pulling the wizard from the ground and speaking quickly. "I need to get going, find everyone who escaped before they get hurt."

Newt started to walk away.

"Before they get hurt?" Jacob sounded surprised at the idea, and Enoch could understand why. Jacob's only interaction with creatures up until a half hour ago was mostly aggressive behavior.

"Yes Mr. Kowalski. They are currently in alien terrain, surrounded by millions of the most vicious creatures on the planet. Humans." Newt led the way out of the case,  and when we all stood in the bedroom, I extended an arm to them, disapparating quickly, only to reappear a couple of blocks away.

It took two hours to track down the Niffler, and in the process, the two wizards broke into a store, and the trio reacted quickly right before they were shot at by Police. Jacob stood off to the side, giggling at every spell the pair used.

Enoch couldn't be sure what creature was next, but it was rather huge, and left a massive debris trail all the way to the New York Zoo.

"You'll stay here." Newt held out a hand, effectively stopping Enoch on a bridge a block away. Enoch started to protest, but Newt interrupted; "I don't want you to get hurt." His voice was just above a whisper.

Enoch nodded, feeling as though that could be his only reaction, he could understand the reasons.

Enoch watched as the two of them disappeared into the zoo, and for a long time, all he could do was strain to listen to the whispered voices echoing through the park. After a couple minutes Enoch got tired of doing nothing, and began repairing the damage around him, which didn't take long, and the moment he finished sounds of shouting echoed from inside.

Suddenly, Jacob comes running out of the partially repaired front-way, running towards Enoch and shouting Newt's name as he goes. He runs and climbs up a tree just as a not-rhinoceros comes through the front-way as well, smashing the newly fixed entrance-way. Enoch move as close as he could, watching as the not-rhinoceros attempts to swipe Jacob out of the tree.

"Enoch! Enoch! It would be great if you did something!" He yelps, "Right now!" The tree falls over just as Enoch shouts; "Wingardeum Leviosa!"

Instead of hitting the ground Jacob flies upward, not very high, but still upwards. Newt appeared just in the the corner of his eye, Enoch didn't acknowledge his presence out of fear of dropping Jacob, and with a rather large amount of strain, Enoch brought Jacob to rest on the ice just as the creature runs towards him. Newt apparates in front of it, catching the creature before it can reach Jacob.

Enoch couldn't see well from his spot on the bridge, but the echoing laughter of Jacob brought a smile to his face. He made his way around the side of the bridge, stepping onto the ice with the two men. It was rather obvious how bad of an idea it was to step onto the ice and the moment he slipped he recognized how bad of an idea it was.

"Enoch!" Newt started running across the ice towards the wizard, skidding to a stop next to him and placed a hand on Enoch's shoulder. Newt gave Enoch this wondrous look, like the smaller man was the stars to him, before clearing his throat and patting me him on the shoulder. "That was wonderful work with the, the um, levitation charm."

Enoch smiled in thanks, and held his hand up to him. Newt took it, pulling him too his my feet in an easy way. Jacob made his way over, picking up Enoch's cane as he did. With one of them on each of his side, they moved just underneath the bridge and opened the case.

Once again, Newt helped Enoch down the ladder after he had gone inside, and when Enoch's two feet touched the ground, he turned slowly, looking up at the face of the man he had grown to care for with the smallest of smiles. Newt's hands rested on Enoch's waist still, Enoch's on his shoulders.

Then Newt did something unexpected, leaning down slowly as if giving him ample time to pull away. He pressed his lips to Enoch's, and the man leaned into the touch, wrapping his arms around Newt's neck.

The kiss continued for a few moments, before three knocks interrupted the action. They pulled away from each other, Newt's cheeks were painted pink, and Enoch was sure his was as well. Enoch leaned backwards, his back pressing into the ladder as he watched the man turn and walk away with easy steps.

It was not a situation that he would have thought he'd be in, but the vision in Newt's eyes did not lie.

Fantastic Beasts and How To Save Them (Newt Scamander)Where stories live. Discover now