22*Support System

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Adam is staring at his blue-eyed stranger. She's on the stage, singing so beautifully that he can't focus on anything but her, and her voice. There's no music, only her strong, never-wavering voice. Even the crowd is silent as she sings. No one dares to interrupt. The Moon casts a spotlight on her, demanding their attention.

She keeps her gaze forward, avoiding any contact with his eyes, save the moments she sings the word 'you.' It's then, that she cautiously, delicately, finds him in the crowd. Just as he begins to wonder if this song is a secret message for him, it ends. She stops singing and the crowd roars to life.

He watches as she softly blushes, and turns to exit the stage. She hands the microphone back to Benji, who's enthusiastically nodding like a bobblehead. Adam notices she blushes even more when a red-headed girl comes bouncing up the stairs to meet her halfway. As they hug, Adam spots Benji making his way over. Adam notes that Benji saw him staring, but doesn't mention it when he stops in front of him to hand over a mic.

"You ready?" Benji asks, his voice laced with a therapeutic calmness.

"I think, yeah," Adam breaks his watch of the girls and looks to Benji.

"What're you singing?" Benji leans close to whisper, no doubt trying to keep Adam from feeling too overwhelmed by the presence of the crowd surrounding them. They're all watching him, knowing the tribute is next.

"Something I wrote a while ago, to help me grieve," Adam answers honestly, the nerves in his voice clear.

"Are you sure?" Benji looks at him in surprise.

"Yeah," is all Adam says before he takes the microphone from Benji and beings walking to the stairs. He doesn't want to lose the little confidence he had at the moment. When he left the clearing, confidence was rushing through his body. As the time got nearer to the tribute, it had dwindled.

Adam reaches the bottom of the stairs, the girls still huddled around his blue-eyed stranger. He overhears the red-head squeal compliments her way and is reminded that she isn't a stranger anymore. Her name is Taylor.

He begins his ascent, hand on the rail for steading purposes because his attention isn't fully focused on making it up the stairs. Instead, he's looking at her, Taylor. She finally notices his presence and quickly looks back.

He gives her a nod, and grins, "Taylor." She responds with a bright red blush, and Adam sees how her friends don't miss it. The red-head takes a massive breath of surprise, glancing between Adam and Taylor.

"Adam," Taylor nods back. The red-head looks like her eyes are going to pop out of her sockets. By that reaction, he knows she'll demand they talk about him, later.

It doesn't take him long to reach the top, and he goes over to the backup band to tell them not to worry about playing any music. He then heads for the center of the stage, sticking the microphone into its stand. He looks over to Benji, standing proudly and directly in front of him, always a constant beam of support.

Adam gives him a slight nod, and Benji brings his own microphone to his mouth, ready to announce the beginning of the tribute. Adam takes deep, soothing breaths. As Benji gives a small speech, Adam spots his sister.

She's right there, leaning against Benji, smiling. His two-person support system, together again. He knows now that she's a ghost only he can see, given that Benji makes no reaction to her presence.

With both of them watching, he sings the first lyrics. 

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