20*Deer in Headlights

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One second, he was sitting next to her. The next, their private moment had been infiltrated by an announcer with a mic. Finally, he was gone. From beside her, to standing on the edge of the clearing, to gone. Gone. Just like that.

Taylor didn't even have time to ask him about his name, or if he was going to sing. Or if they'd ever see each other again. Because if she was being honest with herself, she was enchanted.

His howl was burned into her ears, his green eyes seared into her mind. She could only imagine what his voice would sound like if he decided to sing.

Sing. He's going to sing.

Of course.

He'd gotten up right after the announcer talked about the tribute starting soon. Taylor gets to her feet as fast as possible. She didn't want to miss it if she was right and he really was going to sing. She makes sure her two flowers are secure in her hands before she sprints after him, into the woods.

Compared to her journey in, her journey out was filled with haste. She was desperate to catch up with him, or at the very least get to the audience before he took the stage. The soft hum from the insects is forgotten; the bright, white Moon only noticed because of the light it's providing.

Taylor doesn't see a trace of the stranger's hurried dash to leave her. No leaves are rustled from the wind in his wake, no sound of his footsteps echoing behind him. She's so focused on getting back to the stage area as quickly she can, that she doesn't take the appropriate measures to slow down near the end. As a result, she runs directly into an audience member.

"Oof," they mumble and catch her. It's a guy, with long, dusty-blonde hair.

"So sorry!" she apologizes, gathering her balance.

"S'okay," he smiles, a full, bright smile. He seems to recognize her and asks, "Hey, you're Taylor, right?"

Her cheeks blush a deep red and she nods her head, "Y-yeah."

"You're next! I've been looking for you, for a while now. You're the penultimate singer," he nods his head eagerly, and Taylor looks down to the microphone in his right hand.

"Penultimate?" Taylor questions, confused.

"Second-to-last," he explains.

"Wait, who's last?" she starts putting pieces together.

"My friend Adam, he's doing a tribute for his sister," the guy she suspects is Benji, confirms Taylor's thoughts. He sticks out his left thumb and points a few feet ahead. There, slowly swaying to the music, is Taylor's green-eyed stranger.


Taylor is so distracted by learning his name, and staring at his profile, that she doesn't really pay attention to Benji lightly patting her shoulder until he nearly shoves her. She's aware that Benji definitely notices her eyes were locked on his friend, and when she turns to face him, she looks like a deer frozen in headlights.

"Your turn," he smiles, genuinely encouraging her.

"Wh-what?" she stutters, slightly confused.

"Hope you've got a song picked out," Benji chuckles, handing her the microphone.

She hesitantly grabs it, nodding. She didn't have a song picked out, but she did feel inspired. Just as she realized she'd have to sing without music, the singer before her descends the stage. Benji takes the microphone from them and gives Taylor another reassuring smile and push, bringing the device to his lips.

"Okay everybody, let's welcome Taylor to the stage!"

Taylor grips the metal handrail as she takes a couple deep breaths, and slowly puts one foot in front of the other. The crowd gives a small cheer, following Benji's commands. Goosebumps begin to litter Taylor's skin, originating from her neck. It feels like someone is watching her.

She stops mid-step, and peers behind her to look for the pair of eyes causing her paranoia. The rational side of her is telling her it's just one of the many people in the audience. The other side is hopeful she'll meet Adam's green gaze.

After searching for a few tense seconds, her hopeful side wins. There, right where she left him, is Adam. This time, he's the deer caught in headlights. 

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