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Her phone lights up on the nightstand and Taylor is pulled away from the Moon's trance. The screen casts a dull blue light across her bare, white walls. She hadn't had time to paint them yet. Her old bedroom was a soft purple, covered in posters from her favorite band. She missed the comfort the band's familiar faces brought. Now, she was all alone. Her and the Moon, who was so far away up there in the sky.

The phone pings again, a reminder notification that she has an unchecked text. Taylor knows it must be from her new friend. Her guess is confirmed when she reads, 'Pick you up in five!' It's from Abigail, the red-headed girl she'd sat next to in English class on her first day of school here.

Last month, when Taylor's parents told her the family was moving, she hadn't been sure it would be easy to make friends in a new school. The middle of the semester was a tough time to find your spot within the social food chain. She was certain that by the time she'd arrive, there would be no room for her to squeeze in anywhere. But she'd sat next to Abigail. And Abigail talked to Taylor like they'd been friends since pre-school. Without warning, she'd leaned over and cracked a joke about Taylor always getting the best seat in the classroom. Even though it was her first day, and the only empty desk. Abigail talked to her like they'd been friends their whole lives, and she loved that.

It wasn't enough to fight off the worry, though. Worry that she seemed too eager to be Abigail friend, yet not eager enough. Worry that Abigail might drop her when she realized Taylor really wasn't as great as she thought. Worry that Abigail might think Taylor wants to drop her.

This social unsureness brought on by Taylor's anxiety controlled a lot of her thoughts and decisions. And it almost had tonight. It would've felt a lot easier to just decline Abigail's invitation tonight and retreat into the comfortable company of her mom.

'Beyond excited for tonight,' Taylor types out in reply to Abigail, committing to going out before her mind convinces her to find a way out, an excuse. Just like it always did when the anxiety won.

Taylor pulls back the covers of her bed and reveals a light beige dress brocaded in silver sequins. She'd put the dress on earlier in the hopes that wearing it ahead of time would help keep her from backing out of going. A reminder, from her past self to her future self, that she'd wanted to go.

The dress itself had been picked out on a shopping trip she'd taken with Abigail, when they were searching for outfits to wear tonight. The way Abigail had reacted and complimented Taylor made her confident surge while wearing it. And she needed all the confidence she could get if she was going to get on that stage.

Taylor gathers her things and slips on shoes before she opens the window, the warm summer air hitting her face. She's trying to be as quiet as she can so she doesn't wake her parents, who wouldn't be thrilled to find her sneaking out after midnight on a school night. She glances down at her dress and memories of Abigail's grinning face flash into her mind.

Taylor takes this splash of confidence and jumpsover the windowsill, closing the window behind her with a soft thud.

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