Chapter 12: Love Declarations.

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Lord Vader," I speak kneeling. "I have wiped out all of the Rebel cells that I knew as requested, and I also found some data disks containing information on the Rebels strategies and defensive protocols."

"Where are these data disks?"

"Right here Master," I reply handing Lord Vader 4 data disks.

"You have done well my new apprentice. I have matters to attend to. You're in charge of my Star Destroyer while I'm--."


"Lord Vader a Rebel ship has entered the hangar."

"Send a squadron of troops down there to prevent their escape until Y/N gets down there."

"Yes Lord Vader."

"You know what to do. Capture or eliminate."

I stand up brushing the dust off my clothes and stride confidently towards the hanger.

Kanan's P.O.V.

'We're here on Vader's Star Destroyer so now there's no turning back. It's either Ezra and I succeed and bring Y/N back, or we die trying.'

"KANAN! TROOPERS!" Ezra shouts taking put his lightsaber and igniting it.

I repeat Ezra's actions and take out my lightsaber. "WE HAVE TO FIX THIS!" Cutting all the troopers guns, Ezra and I knock them out one by one until we're the only people conscious.

"Let's find Y/N," Ezra says unaware that she just stepped into the hangar.

"No need."

"Why did you come here? Kanan. Ezra," Y/N asks grabbing her lightsaber.

"To get you," Ezra replies standing defensively, his lightsaber out for protection.

"You had no need. I'm happy being a Sith. I've never felt more free. I don't have to hide my emotions, I get to use them," she says igniting her l/s/c blade.

"But why did you murder hundreds of innocent Rebels? They were your comrades, the people you believed would end the Empire," I question.

"No more talk. It's time for you two to die," Y/N says launching at me with her lightsaber.

I hold my lightsaber up in defence and then realise that I can't fight Y/N, she's too strong and I love her too much. I use the force to push her back. I deactivate my lightsaber and place it on my belt but not before my mental shields collapse.

Y/N's P.O.V.

"You caused this! Why?! I thought you were a Jedi Knight, not a Sith. You made me break my code and fall in love with you," Kanan confesses, his voice breaking as he holds in sobs, tears running down his face.

"Liar! You kissed Hera... and you call that in love with me. Using me as a tool; that's all you were doing," I spit my heart feeling as though it's tearing and splitting itself, causing me unbearable pain. My hands fly up and clutch my chest as I fall to the ground, tears falling rapidly out the corners of my closed eyes.

"Y/N!" Kanan rushes over to me. "Are you okay?" He takes a shaky breath. "Please. Talk to me," he pleads.

"I regret it. I regret killing the Rebels. Please forgive me Kanan," I say with a weak voice my eyes turning back to e/c.

"I'm getting us out of here," Kanan says lifting me up bridal style. "Ezra prepare the Phantom."

"No. Let me go Kanan," I say moving to get out of his arms, wincing at the slight heart pain. "Vader's coming to kill us. Go. I'm the only one who has a chance at surviving a fight with Vader." Kanan lets me hop down and kisses me passionately.

"Y/N I'm staying," he says stubbornly.

"No you're not," I reply using the force to put Kanan in the Phantom, and to close the door. The Phantom leaves as Vader and I start duelling.

Jealousy (A Star Wars Rebels Fanfiction) (Kanan Jarrus X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now