Lisa The Superhero

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"Can you shut up!,I'm you mother you can't freakin' talk to me like that"My mother said
"Dammit mom,It's not like I've joined a cult,And I thought you were accepting"I said before running up to my room
I unlock my phone and call Lisa
Hey Chariel what's up
I-I-I,can I come over?,For the night?
Why,It's like 9:30,are you still awake,okay you can come,lemme ask mom
Lisa's P.O.V
Charlotte called me
She said she wanted to come over
"Mom,can my friend Charlotte come over for the night"I said
"Well,Why not?"She replied
Charlotte's P.O.V
Hello,Chariel you can stay over,she said that you can stay for Saturday and Sunday and then come to school with me
Cool,I'll bring clothes and other stuff
Oh and my mom's going somewhere so I'm with my 15 YO(year old)brother
I'll bring snacks,Bye
Bye Chariel
I hung up and waited for my mom to go to her room
I slowly opened the fridge and took the snacks and sweets
I had already packed the bag so I took another one with me for the snacks
I didn't have to worry about the window since my room was in the first floor

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