Part 11 - Story And Smut

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Your PoV: Beyond brings a dildo to where you are left tied and hanging and proceeds to gag you again, he tied the dildo to your legs and sets it to vibrate, you start moaning into the gag as Beyond leaves the room to get dressed for work, you feel yourself getting wetter as he gets changed into who you now know as L, they look similar yet so different at the same time, beyond makes himself look slimmer and gives himself bags under his eyes, he messes his hair and only dresses in a white shirt and jeans and no shoes or socks, when he comes strolling back through hunched over you can't help but check him out.
"Like what you see? (yn)?" there's an evil glint to his eyes when he asks but you nod anyway, he walks over to you and slaps your face hard,
"Perhaps I'll fuck you tonight looking like this, I'll even tell you L's real name... But if you say it out loud once... Its back to the torture for you" you looked at him petrified and that seemed to please him it started to occur to you that Beyond was jealous of L, whats more he had offered you Ls real name with no hint of his own yet. Beyond leaves you tied up and cumming. Off to work for him. You began to wonder if there was anyone looking for you.

BB PoV: It hadn't occurred to you that you could get jealous of L whilst causing him an uncrackable case. But when (f/n) (l/n) was clearly checking out your L get up you felt your blood boil, she was just the type of woman he liked, smart, beautiful and a complete slut in the bedroom, you had been around him enough to know what he liked, he would be in his element around her, especially with her being almost always a virgin. You had to make sure she hates him just incase she ever meets him, you'd haunt her from the grave if she ever touched him. You would make her suffer in ways she couldn't even imagine, you had left yourself time for work to make your way to the disappearing bookstore, it was there today, you walked in, what shocked you was that the man behind the counter looked almost exactly like f/n but you you let it slide, you ask for a book an hybrid humans if he had any. The man simply smirks at you and proceeds to walk to an Isle with all kinds of mythical creatures, you almost roll your eyes when he hands you a book, "Human Hybrids and their Abilities"
"Something like this I wonder?" he hands you the book and the first page is angel human hybrids, you aren't sure so you ask to rent the book, the man smiles,
"It's on the house, you'll be back if that's what your looking into,"
You smile at him "I'm not so sure.. Maybe" the man smirked again and you noticed it wasn't a kind smirk, almost an all knowing smirk, like he already had your answers, though you very much doubted that, on the way out you passed a young girl about 12 who resembled naiomi misora, you almost did a touble take but kept walking, it took more than that to shake you up. You walked to work with the book in tow, careful to hide it from Naomi, you knew she would know about her neices special abilities so you wanted to give her no hint that you may have her. You didn't want to mention the people you had just run into especially since.. No you weren't going to think about it, for you it was another day pretending to be L, F/n was fun but she was just your side project, finding out what you both were and using her for your pleasure was a past time, beating the worlds number 1 detective at his own game was your ultimate motive. You had no idea Naomi Misora was already starting to suspect you as being BB and not L.

You spent 2 days pretending to be L, happily aware of the fact that F/n was tied up and left in a very slutty predicament. You were dying to see her again, it almost made you itch. You had lapsed into a false sense of security with Naomi and knowiwhat you were doing to both L and her. Every time you fucked f/n a part of your mind occasionally wanders to Naomi, whist a cruel notion crosses your mind.

You almost forgot the book on your way home

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