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The salty air felt cold against Astrid's cheeks as shivers ran down her entire body. The only noises she could hear were the sounds of the waves gently crashing on the soft, wet sand and the sea breeze swiftly becoming a gale force wind. The fine beach sand slapped mercilessly against the side of her face, however, she remained silent, watching her father beside her as he held a single finger to his lips.

It was her first hunt. Her dad was finally teaching her how to do what her family had been doing for generations - hunt Sirens. She could still remember when he first explained to her what they were. How they could command the will of humans with their astounding beauty and melodic voices.

He had taught her that Sirens were evil and that killing them was necessary to keep everyone safe. He explained that it was their job as hunters to do the bidding of Artemis, the Olympian goddess of the hunt, the moon and chastity. She was the one who gave Siren hunters the strength to resist the temptation of the Sirens and remain pure.

Astrid's ear pricked as she heard a swishing movement in the water. Now on high alert, her eyes darted back and forth, trying to find the source of the sound. Her father soon gestured for her to stay put and watch while he showed her how it was done.

She nodded in understanding and watched in silence as he slowly crouched along the big rock behind which they had been hiding. Her heart beat a little faster as she watched a head slowly rise from the waves. In an instant, her father's hand had slid cautiously to the hilt of a throwing knife in his belt.

The figure of a woman gracefully rose out of the water, revealed by the soft light of the full moon.

"Greta?" Her father whispered to himself in astonishment.

Astrid could hear the astoundment in his voice. Greta was her mother. She had died in labour when Astrid was born. Astrid knew that she was not real, but watched on helplessly as her dad shook his head, trying desperately to convince himself that his late wife was not standing before him.

Before she knew it, four more women arose from the water. She felt intensely aware of the chill which had seeped into her bones as she watched the scene unfold before her. She could have sworn that they were only supposed to be hunting one Siren tonight. She could tell by the change in her father's body language that he too was surprised by this new development.

"Come to me," a smooth, clear voice beckoned.

The Siren's impersonation of Greta was uncanny. Astrid's father felt a stab of doubt in his heart.

"Yes, we'll take care of you," the other four hummed in unison.

Astrid felt a pit in her stomach open as she noticed the hesitation in her father's body language. Did he actually believe them? What was he thinking?

Slowly, her dad turned his head to glance at her.

"Run!" He yelled, pulling out knife after knife and throwing them with incredible speed and accuracy at the women.

Astrid was frozen in place. All she could do was watch helplessly as her "mother's" welcoming facial expression quickly changed to one of frustration and rage. Everything happened so quickly. Her father managed to kill two of the five Sirens present, but before he knew it, more and more of them began to emerge from the water.

Their faces looked more demonic now, as they displayed their sharp, white teeth. Their menacing eyes betrayed their ravenous hunger and Astrid felt tears run down her face as she watched on, glued to her place.

A few of them launched themselves towards her father as he frantically tried to throw the last of his knives, but it was no use. They were already on top of him.

A Haunting Melody: The Golden LyreWhere stories live. Discover now